FreeRotate is an Xtra for Macromedia Director 5/6 that rotates cast member in 1 degree resolution..
Why. For some weird reason this capability is missing from Director. When creating dials, levers and other interface objects, it is often desirable to be able to rotate a graphic in run time. Without the Xtra you need to create lots of cast members and flip through them one by one, this is not elegant and takes up storage and bandwidth. With the Xtra you can have one original cast member and rotate it when needed.
How. The Xtra lets you rotate any image cast member in 1 degree resolution. The result of the operation is placed in a new cast member that can be placed on stage as a sprite and take advantage of ink effects, blends and scripting. The rotation can be done with antialiasing, which reduces the jags from the result. The Xtra is controlled by lingo and the rotation is done in run time on the fly. Macintosh, Windows.
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