All to compare if a date is between 2 other dates. Use day/month/year format. Delimiter is the character separating each part.
--Copyright 1999 Chuck Neal
--If you find this code helpful, send me an e-mail and let me know. :-)
on checkTheDate checkDate, startDate, endDate, delimiter
the itemDelimiter = delimiter
theYear = 3
theMonth = 2
theDay = 1
dateList = [checkDate, startDate, endDate]
--correct any date input errors
repeat with x = 1 to dateList.count
--the year
thisYear = (dateList[x]).item[theYear]
if integer(thisYear) = void then
alert "Incorrect Year typed passed. Value must be a number. Use 4 digit Years."
end if
if thisYear.char.count < 4 then
if integer(thisYear) > 50 then
thisYear = string(integer(thisYear) + 1900)
thisYear = string(integer(thisYear) + 2000)
end if
else if thisYear.char.count > 4 then
alert "Incorrect Year typed passed. Too many digits. Use 4 digit Years."
end if
--the month
thisMonth = (dateList[x]).item[theMonth]
if integer(thisMonth) = void then
case thisMonth of
"Jan", "January" : thisMonth = "01"
"Feb", "February" : thisMonth = "02"
"Mar", "March" : thisMonth = "03"
"Apr", "April" : thisMonth = "04"
"May" : thisMonth = "05"
"Jun", "June" : thisMonth = "06"
"Jul", "July" : thisMonth = "07"
"Aug", "August" : thisMonth = "08"
"Sep", "Sept", "September" : thisMonth = "09"
"Oct", "October" : thisMonth = "10"
"Nov", "November", "Novem" : thisMonth = "11"
"Dec", "Decem", "December" : thisMonthe = "12"
otherwise :
alert "Incorrect Month Passed. Use 2 digit months opr standard abreviaions."
end case
end if
if thisMonth.char.count = 1 then
thisMonth = "0" & thisMonth
else if thisMonth.char.count < 1 or thisMonth.char.count > 2 then
alert "Incorrect Month typed passed. Wrong Number of Digits. Use 2 digit Months."
end if
--the Day
thisDay = (dateList[x]).item[theDay]
if integer(thisDay) = void then
alert "Incorrect Day typed passed. Value must be a number. Use 2 digit Days."
end if
-- put thisDay
if thisDay.char.count = 1 then
thisDay = "0" & thisDay
else if thisDay.char.count < 1 or thisDay.char.count > 2 then
alert "Incorrect Day typed passed. Use 2 digit Days."
end if
dateList[x] = thisYear & thisMonth & thisDay
end repeat
-- put dateList[1] && dateList[2] && dateList[3]
if dateList[2] <= dateList[1] and dateList[3] >= DateList[1] then
return true
return false
end if
on getBehaviorDescription me
return "This script will verify if a date (checkDate) is between 2 other dates. Call with day/month/year formatting. Change the theDay, theMont, and theYear variables to use a different order."
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263