MPEG Xtra Controller Button
Added on 6/10/1999
MPEG Xtra Controller Button
--MpegXtra Controller Button
property videoSprite -- the sprite number that is getting controlled
property videoCommand -- the command to be issued
property standardImage -- the Button Image
property alternateImage -- the Rollover Image for the button
property clickedImage -- the Clicked Image for the button rollover and click.
property param1 -- first parameter of the command
property param2 -- second parameter of the command
on DoControl me
case ( the VideoCommand of me ) of:
videoplay(sprite the videoSprite of me)
videopause(sprite the videoSprite of me)
videoseek(sprite the videoSprite of me, the segmentstart of sprite the videoSprite of me)
videostop(sprite the videoSprite of me)
videoseek(sprite the videoSprite of me, the currenttime of sprite the videoSprite of me+30)
videostop(sprite the videoSprite of me)
videoseek(sprite the videoSprite of me, the currenttime of sprite the videoSprite of me-30)
videostop(sprite the videoSprite of me)
videoseek(sprite the videoSprite of me, the param1 of me)
videoplaysegment(sprite the videoSprite of me, the param1 of me, the param2 of me)
end case
on mouseUp me
set the member of sprite the spritenum of me = the standardImage of me
DoControl me
on mouseDown me
set the member of sprite the spritenum of me = the clickedImage of me
on mouseEnter me
set the member of sprite the spritenum of me = the alternateImage of me
on mouseLeave me
set the member of sprite the spritenum of me = the standardImage of me
on beginSprite me
set the standardImage of me = the member of sprite the spriteNum of me
on getPropertyDescriptionList
if the currentspritenum = 0 then
set memdefault = 0
set memref = the member of sprite the currentspritenum
set memdefault = member (the membernum of member memref + 1)
set memdefault2 = member (the membernum of member memref + 2)
end if
set p_list = [ #videoCommand: [ #comment: "Action:",#format: #symbol, #range: [ #Play, #Pause, #Rewind,#StepBackward,#StepForward, #Seek, #PlaySegment],#default: #Play ], #param1: [ #comment: "First Parameter (Use with seek or playsegment):", #format: #long, #default: 0] , #param2: [ #comment: "Second Parameter (Use with playsegment):", #format: #long, #default: 0] , #videoSprite: [ #comment: "DirectMedia Sprite Channel:", #format: #integer, #default: 1] , #alternateImage: [ #comment: "Rollover Button Cast Member:", #format: #graphic, #default: memdefault ], #clickedImage: [ #comment: "Clicked Button Cast Member:", #format: #graphic, #default: memdefault2 ]]
return p_list
on getBehaviorDescription
return "Used to create Play, Pause, StepForward, StepBackward, Rewind, Seek and PlaySegment control buttons for a MpegXtra video sprite. You can also attach rollover and alternate images for the clicked buttons" & RETURN & "PARAMETERS:" & RETURN & "Action - Choose the action to perform on mouseUP ( Play, Pause, Rewind, StepBackward, StepForward, Seek, PlaySegment )." & RETURN & "First Parameter: if the Action is Seek than this parameter contains the seek to time (in milliseconds). For the PlaySegment action this parameter contains the starting time of the segment to play (in milliseconds)"& RETURN &"Second Parameter: Used with the PlaySegment action. Contains the ending time of the segment to play (in milliseconds)"& RETURN &"MpegXtra Sprite Channel - Enter the number of sprite channel of the MpegXtra video that is being controlled."& RETURN &"Rollover Button: the castmember that will be used as the rollover image of the button. Default is the castmember located just after the button castmember"& RETURN&"Clicked Button: the castmember that will be used as the clicked image of the button. Default is the castmember located just after the rollover castmember"