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Behavior Slider-Alphamania

Added on 6/10/1999


D6_5 D7 D8 Mac PC Script

This item has not yet been rated

Author: MediaLab (website)

Requires Effector Set 1 Behavior Support Scripts

property button, bar, direction, min, max, percentage, range, offset, Location,Name,downMem
property msgMovie,msgSprite,msgSpriteNum,sliderMsg,defaultVal
-- a simple horizontal or vertical slider.
-- properties:
--    button; the sprite number of the slider 'button' (the thing that slides)
--    bar; the sprite number of the slider bar itself.
--    direction; #Horizaontal or #Vertical
--    min; the pixel value of the left (or bottom) end of the slider
--    max; the pixel value of the right (or top) end of the slider
--    percentage; the current percentage value represented by the slider
--    range; the number of pixels between 'min' and 'max'
--    offset; the actual pixel location along the slider
--    location; the fixed location of the slider.  This does not change, unless the actual
--    location of the slider changes.
--    the developer needs to provide a handler called "sliderIsMoving" which is called whenever the slider's value is changed.

on getPropertyDescriptionList
  set s=the currentSpriteNum
  if s>0 then
    set nameDef=(the name of member (the member of sprite s))
    set memDef= nameDef & "*"
    set barDef=s-1
  end if
  set pList=[:]
  addProp pList, #Name,[#comment:   "Slider Name:", ¬
                            #format:   #string, ¬
                           #default:    nameDef ]
  addProp pList, #DownMem,[#comment:   "Hilite Image:", ¬
                            #format:   #graphic, ¬
                           #default:    memDef ]
  addProp pList,#bar,[#comment:  "Range channel:",¬
                             #format: #integer,¬
                            #default: barDef]
  addProp pList,#direction,[#comment:"Direction:",¬
                            #format: #symbol,¬
  addProp pList,#defaultVal,[#comment:"Default Value (%):",¬
                            #format: #integer,¬
  addProp pList,#msgMovie,[#comment:"Message Movie:",¬
                            #format: #boolean,¬
  addProp pList,#msgSprite,[#comment:"Message Sprite:",¬
                            #format: #boolean,¬
  addProp pList,#msgSpriteNum,[#comment:"Sprite Number:",¬
                            #format: #integer,#default:1]
  addProp pList,#sliderMsg,[#comment:"Send this message:",¬
                            #format: #string,¬
  return pList

on getBehaviorDescription
  return "Creates a slider"

on beginSprite me
  set sliderMsg=value("#" & sliderMsg)
  set button=the spriteNum of me
  set offset = 0
  if defaultVal<1 then set defaultVal=1
  if defaultVal>100 then set defaultVal=100
  setSlider me, defaultVal
  return me

on setBar me, b
  set bar = b

on setLocation me,l
  case direction of
    #Horizontal: set the locV of sprite button = l
    #Vertical: set the locH of sprite button = l
  end case
  setSlider me,percentage

on mouseDown me

on operate me  
  set the member of sprite button = member downMem
  repeat while the mouseDown
    if direction=#horizontal then
      set mh = the mouseH
      if mh < min then set mh=min
      if mh > max then set mh=max
      set the locH of sprite button = mh
      set offset = mh - min
    else -- vertical
      set mv= the mouseV
      if mv > min then set mv=min
      if mv      set the locV of sprite button = mv
      set offset = min-mv
    end if
    set percentage = (offset*100) / range
    if msgMovie then sliderIsMoving(me)
    if msgSprite then sendSprite(msgSpriteNum,sliderMsg,Name,percentage)
  end repeat

on setSlider me,p,flag
  set percentage = p
  set offset = (range*percentage) / 100
  case direction of
    #Horizontal: set the locH of sprite button = offset+min
    #Vertical: set the locV of sprite button = min-offset
  end case
  if voidP(flag) then
    if msgMovie then sliderIsMoving(me)
    if msgSprite then sendSprite(msgSpriteNum,sliderMsg,Name,percentage)
  end if

on setDirection me,d
  if not voidP(d) then set direction=d
  case direction of
      set min = the left of sprite bar
      set max = the right of sprite bar
      set range = max - min
      --set location = the locV of sprite button
      set min = the bottom of sprite bar
      set max = the top of sprite bar
      set range = min - max -- it's backwards because of the screen coordinates
      --set location = the locH of sprite button
  end case



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