on beginSprite me
set crawlBar = sprite the currentSpriteNum
set barWidth to the width of sprite the currentSpriteNum
set barHeight to the height of sprite the currentSpriteNum
put "crawlbar = "& crawlBar
end prepareMovie
on streamStatus URL, state, bytesSoFar, bytesTotal, error
set bytesSoFar = float(bytesSoFar)
set bytesTotal = float(bytesTotal)
set partial= float(bytesSoFar/bytesTotal)
set the width of sprite crawlBar to partial*(barWidth)
set the height of sprite crawlBar to (barHeight)
put partial*100 & "% loaded" into field displayField
put "-" && state after field displayField
put bytesSoFar && bytesTotal && bytesSoFar/bytesTotal
on getBehaviorDescription
return "Makes a crawl bar grow to indicate downloading, and displays the percentage downloaded in a field. Drag onto the crawl bar sprite when it"s at its full width!"
end getBehaviorDescription
on getPropertyDescriptionList
set description = [:]
addProp description,#displayField,[#comment: "display field:", #default: "1", #format: #field]
return description
end getPropertyDescriptionList
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263