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Behavior Slider behaviour v2.2

Added on 6/10/1999


behavior D6_5 Mac PC

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Author: MarkHagers

Slider behavior

property backSprite, direction, Update , minimum, maximum, margin, cursorMember
property lowBorder, highBorder, scale, range, currentValue, start, lok, numberFormat, handlerName, backList

on getBehaviorDescription  
  return "Slider behaviour, by Mark Hagers." & return & "Version 2.2, december 10, 1997." & return & "© 1997 Mediaeval Multimedia" & return & "email:" & return & "Additions: 12/10/97: fixed cursorlist to allow unnamed cursor members." & return & "12/10/97: bug fix, non-zero minimum values now work properly." & return & "Behaviour for a slider sprite. Does it all !!" & return & "This behaviour must be assigned to the moving part of the slider. The behaviour also needs a background sprite, the 'scale' of the slider." & return & "Parameters for this behaviour:" & return & " - Orientation: you can have a horizontal or a vertical slider." & return & " - Back sprite: Sprite number of the slider's background (scale)." & return & " - Margin: constrain movement to within this number of pixels away from the background borders" & return & "   just experiment and see what happens." & return & " - Numberformat: let the value controlled by the slider be an integer or a floating point value." & return & "   With numberFormat 'integer' the slider will snap to an integer value when it is updated." & return & " - Minimum and maximum slider values, these values display as floats in the parameter dialog," & return & "   regardless of the numberFormat setting." & return & "   The Minimum value can be higher than the Maximum value for a 'reversed' slider." & return & "   This feature should now work correctly as of version 2." & return & " - Callback handler: you can put any valid Lingo command or handler here," & return & "   it will be executed whenever the slider is updated (see 'Updating' below)," & return & "   the slider value will be passed as a parameter to the command," & return & "   try 'put' and look at the message box to experiment." & return & " - Updating: update slider value on mouseup only (when the slider is released) or continuous (while dragging the slider)." & return & "   Combining 'Continuous' with the numberFormat 'integer' will cause the slider to 'snap' to integer values."
end getBehaviorDescription

on getPropertyDescriptionList
  set description = [:]
  set directionDef = #Horizontal
  if the currentspritenum = 1 then
    alert "this behavior will not work on sprite channels below 2"
    set backDef = max(1,the currentspritenum - 1)
    set backList = []
    repeat with i = 1 to backDef
      if the memberNum of sprite i > 0 then add backList,i
    end repeat
    if count(backList) > 0 then
      set backDef = getLast(backList)
    else set backList = [1]
    set cursorList = [#none]
    repeat with i = 1 to the number of members
      if the type of member i = #bitmap then
        if the depth of member i = 1 then
          if the name of member i <> "" then
            add cursorList, the name of member i
          else add cursorList, member i
        end if
      end if
    end repeat
    set cursDef = #none
  end if
  addProp description, #direction, ¬
  addProp description, #backSprite, ¬
            [#default:backDef,#format:#integer,#comment:"Back Sprite:",#range:backList]
  addProp description, #margin, ¬
            [#default:0,#format:#integer,#comment:"Margin:", #range:[#max:40,#min:-40]]
  addprop description, #cursorMember,  ¬
            [#default:cursDef,#format:#bitmap,#comment:"Cursor image:", #range:cursorList]
  addProp description, #numberFormat, ¬
            [#default:#integer,#format:#symbol,#comment:"Number format:",#range:[#integer,#float]]
  addprop description, #minimum,  ¬
            [#default:0,#format:#float,#comment:"Minimum Value:"]
  addprop description, #maximum,  ¬
            [#default:1,#format:#float,#comment:"Maximum Value:"]
  addprop description, #handlerName,  ¬
            [#default:"",#format:#string,#comment:"Callback handler:"]
  addprop description, #Update,  ¬
  return description
end getPropertyDescriptionList


on beginSprite me
  if the memberNum of sprite backSprite = 0 then
    alert "Behaviour 'Marks Slider' on sprite" && the spriteNum of me & ":" & return & return & "You need a background sprite in a lower channel number for this behaviour to work properly."
  end if
  case direction of
      set tempMargin = (the width of sprite (the spriteNum of me)) / 2  
      set tempMargin2 = (the width of sprite (the spriteNum of me)) - tempMargin
      set lowBorder = tempMargin2 + margin + the left of sprite backSprite
      set highBorder = - tempMargin - margin + the right of sprite backSprite
      set tempMargin = (the height of sprite (the spriteNum of me)) / 2
      set tempMargin2 = (the height of sprite (the spriteNum of me)) - tempMargin
      set lowBorder = tempMargin + margin + the top of sprite backSprite
      set highBorder = - tempMargin2 - margin + the bottom of sprite backSprite
  end case
  set range = highBorder - lowBorder
  set scale = float(abs(maximum - minimum)) / float(range)  
  set lok = 0
  set start = 0
  set currentValue = minimum
  if numberFormat = #integer then
    showValue me, integer(currentValue)
    showValue me, currentValue
  end if
  if not voidP(cursorMember) and cursorMember <> #none then setCursor me, true
  return me

on mouseDown me
  case direction of
      set lok = the locH of sprite (the SpriteNum of me)
      set start = the mouseH
      set lok = the locV of sprite (the SpriteNum of me)
      set start = the mouseV
  end case
end mouseDown

on prepareFrame me
  if lok > 0 then
    case direction of
        set hor = the mouseH
        set screenVal = max(lowBorder,min(lok + hor - start,highBorder))  
        set the locH of sprite (the spriteNum of me) to screenVal
        if Update = #continuous then doUpdate me, screenVal - lowBorder
        set ver = the mouseV
        set screenVal = max(lowBorder,min(lok + ver - start,highBorder))  
        set the locV of sprite (the spriteNum of me) to screenVal
        if Update = #continuous then doUpdate me, highBorder - screenVal
    end case
  end if
end exitFrame

on mouseUpOutside me
  endUpdate me
end mouseUpOutside

on mouseup me
  endUpdate me
end mouseup

on endUpdate me
  set lok = 0
  set start = 0
  case direction of
      doUpdate me, the locH of sprite (the spriteNum of me) - lowBorder
      doUpdate me, highBorder - the locV of sprite (the spriteNum of me)
  end case
end endUpdate

on doUpdate me, scrvalue
  if minimum < maximum then
    set currentValue = minimum + scrvalue * scale
  else set currentValue = minimum - scrValue * scale
  if numberFormat = #integer then set currentValue = integer(currentValue)
  showValue me, currentValue
  if handlerName <> "" then do handlerName && currentValue

on showValue me, theVal
  if minimum < maximum then
    set scrValue = (theVal - minimum) / scale  
    case direction of
        set the locH of sprite (the SpriteNum of me) to lowBorder + scrValue
        set the locV of sprite (the SpriteNum of me) to highBorder - scrValue  
    end case
    set scrValue = (theVal - maximum) / scale
    case direction of
        set the locH of sprite (the SpriteNum of me) to highBorder - scrValue
        set the locV of sprite (the SpriteNum of me) to lowBorder + scrValue
    end case
  end if
end showValue

on setCursor me, theVal
  if theVal then
    set theCurs = the number of member cursorMember
    set theMask = the number of member(the name of member cursorMember & ".mask")
    if theMask > 0 then
      set the cursor of sprite (the spriteNum of me) = list(theCurs, theMask)
    else set the cursor of sprite (the spriteNum of me) = list(theCurs)
  else set the cursor of sprite (the spriteNum of me) = 0



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