on mouseEnter me
if OverON then
set the member of sprite the spritenum of me = the OverImage of me
end if
if OSoundON then
puppetSound OverSoundChannel, OverSound
end if
on mouseLeave me
set the member of sprite the spritenum of me = the standardImage of me
on mouseDown me
if DownON then
set the member of sprite the spritenum of me = the DownImage of me
end if
if DSoundON then
puppetSound DownSoundChannel, DownSound
end if
on mouseUp me
if OverON then
set the member of sprite the spritenum of me = the OverImage of me
set the member of sprite the spritenum of me = the standardImage of me
end if
on beginSprite me
set the standardImage of me = the member of sprite the spriteNum of me
on getPropertyDescriptionList
if the currentspritenum = 0 then
set memdefault = 0
set memref = the member of sprite the currentspritenum
set castlibnum = the castlibnum of memref
set memdefault = member (the membernum of member memref + 1) of castlib castlibnum
end if