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Behavior Password entry box

Added on 6/10/1999


behavior D6_5 Mac PC

This item has not yet been rated

Author: AndrewWhite

Password Entry Box

property callback      -- The handler to call when the ¬
                                    -- password has been entered
property proxyChar     -- The dummy char to use
property password      -- The actual password keyed in
property fieldMember   -- The name of the field
property spriteNum     -- The sprite channel number
property clipboard     -- Private clipboard storage

-- Initialise the password entry box
on beginSprite me
  -- Get the member reference of the field
  set memberRef = the member of sprite spriteNum
  -- Get the name of the field
  set fieldMember = the name of memberRef
  -- Clear the field
  put "" into field fieldMember
  -- Clear the password property
  set password = ""

-- Handle keyDown events in the field
on keyDown me
  -- Stores the key and the keyCode into local
  -- variables for protection
  set theKey = the key
  set theKeyCode = the keyCode
  -- Check to see if there was a command key combo
  if the commandDown then
    -- Make sure the shift key isn't down
    if not the shiftDown then
      -- Check for key combo
      case theKey of
        "x": -- Cut shortcut combo
          cutText me
        "c": -- Copy shortcut combo
          copyText me
        "v": -- Paste shortcut combo
          pasteText me
      end case
    end if
    -- We don't handle the command key combo but
    -- a global handler might so we pass the event
    -- The command key wasn't down so we trap the event
    case theKey of
      RETURN: -- Do callback handler
        doPasswordCheck me
        -- Check for the cursor and delete keys
        case theKeyCode of
          51: -- Delete
            deleteText me
          123: -- Left
            if the selStart = the selEnd then
              -- We have a flashing 'I' insertion
              -- point so we move it to the left
              set the selStart = the selStart - 1
              set the selEnd = the selStart
              -- We have a selection so we switch
              -- to an flashing 'I' insertion point
              -- at the left side of the selection
              set the selEnd = the selStart
            end if
          124: -- Right
            if the selStart = the selEnd then
              -- We have a flashing 'I' insertion
              -- point so we move it to the right
              set the selEnd = the selEnd + 1
              set the selStart = the selEnd
              -- We have a selection so we switch
              -- to an flashing 'I' insertion point
              -- at the right side of the selection
              set the selStart = the selEnd
            end if
          125: -- Down
            -- Move to the end of the field
            set the selEnd = length(password)
            set the selStart = the selEnd
          126: -- Up
            -- Move to the beginning of the field
            set the selStart = 0
            set the selEnd = 0
            -- Normal char so we add it to the password
            addCharToPassword me, theKey
            -- Add a dummy char to the field
            putProxyCharInField me
        end case
    end case
  end if

-- Call the global password checking handler
on doPasswordCheck me
  do callback && "password"

-- Add a dummy char to the field
on putProxyCharInField me
  if the selStart = the selEnd then
    -- We have an insertion point so just insert the dummy char
    put proxyChar after char the selStart of field fieldMember
    -- Move the insertion point along
    set the selEnd = the selEnd + 1
    set the selStart = the selStart + 1
    -- We have a selection so delete the selection first
    delete char the selStart + 1 to the selEnd of field fieldMember
    -- Insert dummy char
    put proxyChar after char the selStart of field fieldMember
    -- If all of the field was selected then put the
    -- insertion point at the end, otherwise put after
    -- the inserted char
    if length(password) = 1 then
      -- Put the insertion point at the end
      set the selEnd = 1
      set the selStart = 1
      -- Put the insertion point after the new char
      set the selStart = the selEnd
    end if
  end if

-- Add a char to the password
on addCharToPassword me, theChar
  if the selStart = the selEnd then
    -- We have an insertion point so just insert the char
    put theChar after char the selStart of password
    -- We have a selection so delete the selection first
    delete char the selStart + 1 to the selEnd of password
    -- Insert the char into the password
    put theChar after char the selStart of password
  end if

-- Cut a selection to the private clipboard
on cutText me
  -- Check to see if there is a selection
  if the selStart <> the selEnd then
    -- Copy the chars of the password to the clipboard
    set clipboard = char the selStart + 1 to the selEnd of password
    -- Delete the slection from the password
    delete char the selStart + 1 to the selEnd of password
    -- Delete the slection from the field
    delete char the selStart + 1 to the selEnd of field fieldMember
    -- Set the insertion point to the beginning of the selection
    set the selEnd = the selStart
  end if

-- Copy a selection to the private clipboard
on copyText me
  -- Check to see if there is a selection
  if the selStart <> the selEnd then
    -- Copy the chars of the password to the clipboard
    set clipboard = char the selStart + 1 to the selEnd of password
  end if

-- Paste text from the clipboard
on pasteText me
  if the selStart = the selEnd then
    -- We have an insertion point so just insert the clipboard
    put clipboard after char the selStart of password
    -- Insert a string of dummy chars into the field
    put buildRepeatString(me,proxyChar,length(clipboard)) after ¬
                     char the selStart of field fieldMember
    -- Set the insertion point to the end of the inserted text
    set the selEnd = the selEnd + length(clipboard)
    set the selStart = the selEnd
    -- We have a selection so delete the text first
    delete char the selStart + 1 to the selEnd of password
    delete char the selStart + 1 to the selEnd of field fieldMember
    -- Set the insertion point to the beginning of the selection
    set the selStart = the selEnd
    -- Insert the clipboard into the password
    put clipboard after char the selStart of password
    -- Insert a string of dummy chars into the field
    put buildRepeatString(me,proxyChar,length(clipboard)) after ¬
                     char the selStart of field fieldMember
    -- Set the insertion point to the end of the inserted text
    set the selEnd = the selEnd + length(clipboard) - 1
    set the selStart = the selEnd
  end if

-- Delete text
on deleteText me
  -- Check to see if we're at the beginning of the field
  if the selEnd > 0 then
    if the selStart <> the selEnd then
      -- We have a selection so delete the selection
      delete char the selStart + 1 to the selEnd of password
      delete char the selStart + 1 to the selEnd of field fieldMember
      -- Set the insertion point to the beginning of the selection
      set the selEnd = the selStart
      -- We have an insertion point
      if the selEnd = length(password) then
        -- We are at the end of the field so delete the last char
        delete char the selStart of password
        delete char the selStart of field fieldMember
        -- Set the insertion point to the end of the field
        set the selEnd = the selStart
        -- We are in the middle of the field so delete the
        -- the preceding char from the field and password
        delete char the selStart of password
        delete char the selStart of field fieldMember
        -- Move the insertion point to the left
        set the selStart = the selStart - 1
        set the selEnd = the selStart
      end if
    end if
  end if

-- Return a string of identical chars
on buildRepeatString me, theChar, theLength
  -- Initialise the string
  set theString = ""
  -- Repeat for theLength times
  repeat with i = 1 to theLength
    -- Add another char
    set theString = theString & theChar
  end repeat
  -- Return the string of multiple chars
  return theString

-- Build the custom properties dialog
on getPropertyDescriptionList
  -- Initialise the property list
  set propList = [:]
  -- Add the callback item
  addProp propList, #callback, ¬
                       [#format:#string, #default: "(handler name)",¬
                        #comment: "Callback:"]
  -- Add the dummy char item
  addProp propList, #proxyChar, ¬
                       [#format:#string, #default: "*",¬
                        #comment: "Proxy char:"]
  -- Return the property list to the Behavior Inspector
  return propList

-- Return a behavior description string
on getBehaviorDescription
  return "Password entry box behavior. Attach to a field sprite"



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