on mouseDown me
set pMouseDown = 1
set lMH = the mouseH
set lMV = the mouseV
set pStartLoc = rect(lMH, lMV, lMH, lMV)
on exitFrame me
if pMouseDown then
set lMH = the mouseH
set lMV = the mouseV
set lMouseLoc = rect(lMH, lMV, lMH, lMV)
set lDiff = lMouseLoc - pStartLoc
set lMovieName = the movieName
repeat with w in the windowList
set lPathToWin = the filename of w
if lPathToWin contains lMovieName then
set lRectOfWin = the rect of w
set lRectOfWin = lRectOfWin + lDiff
set the rect of w = lRectOfWin
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end if