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Behavior WindowShade MIAW

Added on 6/10/1999


behavior D6_5 Mac PC

This item has not yet been rated

Author: RettCrocker

Use to close MIAW with a button. Use with the Close Box MIAW behavior.

property pMouseDown, pTitleBarSprite, pDiff

on beginSprite me
  set pMouseDown = 0
  set lMovieName = the movieName
  repeat with w in the windowList
    set lPathToWin = the filename of w
    if lPathToWin contains lMovieName then
      set lRectTB = the rect of sprite pTitleBarSprite
      set pDiff = rect(-1 * the left of lRectTB, -1 * the top of lRectTB, the width of the sourceRect of w - the right of lRectTB, the height of the sourceRect of w - the bottom of lRectTB)
      exit repeat
    end if
  end repeat

on mouseDown me
  set pMouseDown = 1

on mouseUp me
  if pMouseDown then
    set lTest = 1
    if pTitleBarSprite = the spriteNum of me then
      if NOT the doubleClick then
        set lTest = 0
      end if
    end if
    if lTest then
      set lMovieName = the movieName
      repeat with w in the windowList
        set lPathToWin = the filename of w
        if lPathToWin contains lMovieName then
          set lRectOfWin = the rect of w
          set lCurrHeight = the height of lRectOfWin
          set lCurrWidth = the width of lRectOfWin
          if lCurrHeight = (the height of the sourceRect of w) and lCurrWidth = (the width of the sourceRect of w) then
            set lRectOfWin = lRectOfWin - pDiff
            set lDrawRect = the drawRect of w - rect(the left of sprite pTitleBarSprite, the top of sprite pTitleBarSprite, the left of sprite pTitleBarSprite, the top of sprite pTitleBarSprite)
            set lRectOfWin = lRectOfWin + pDiff
            set lDrawRect = rect(0, 0, the width of the sourceRect of w, the height of the sourceRect of w)
          end if
          set the drawRect of w = lDrawRect
          set the rect of w = lRectOfWin
          exit repeat
        end if
      end repeat
    end if
  end if
  set pMouseDown = 0

on mouseUpOutside me
  set pMouseDown = 0

on externalWindowShadeOpen me
  set lMovieName = the movieName
  repeat with w in the windowList
    set lPathToWin = the filename of w
    if lPathToWin contains lMovieName then
      set lRectOfWin = the rect of w
      set lCurrHeight = the height of lRectOfWin
      set lCurrWidth = the width of lRectOfWin
      if lCurrHeight = (the height of the sourceRect of w) and lCurrWidth = (the width of the sourceRect of w) then
        -- ONLY OPEN
        set lRectOfWin = lRectOfWin + pDiff
        set lDrawRect = rect(0, 0, the width of the sourceRect of w, the height of the sourceRect of w)
      end if
      set the drawRect of w = lDrawRect
      set the rect of w = lRectOfWin
      exit repeat
    end if
  end repeat
  set pMouseDown = 0

on getPropertyDescriptionList me
  set description = [:]
  addProp description,#pTitleBarSprite,[#default:1, #format:#integer,#comment:"Which sprite is the title bar:"]
  return description

on getBehaviorDescription
  set lText = ""
  put "--======= Windowshade MIAW behavior =======--" & RETURN after lText
  put "This behavior makes a sprite act as if it " after lText
  put "were a window's windowshade box like on the " after lText
  put "macintosh.  In other words, the sprite which " after lText
  put "receives this behavior will shrink the MIAW " after lText
  put "which the sprite is in to the title bar's rect.  " after lText
  put "If the sprite is not inside of a MIAW then " after lText
  put "nothing will happen.  " & RETURN & RETURN after lText
  put "NOTE: This behavior asks for the sprite number " after lText
  put "of the title bar sprite.  The rect of that " after lText
  put "sprite is what the MIAW shrinks to when the " after lText
  put "windowshade is activated.  " & RETURN & RETURN after lText
  put "NOTE: This behavior can be dropped onto " after lText
  put "the title bar sprite itself.  To execute the " after lText
  put "windowshade behavior the user would double " after lText
  put "click on the title bar." & RETURN & RETURN after lText
  put "NOTE: This behavior has one additional external " after lText
  put "method.  This method is called " & QUOTE after lText
  put "externalWindowShadeOpen." & QUOTE & "  This " after lText
  put "method is called by the companion Close Box MIAW " after lText
  put "behavior." & RETURN & RETURN after lText
  put "As always, if you use this behavior I would " after lText
  put "like a mention in your credits.  Enjoy." & RETURN & RETURN after lText
  put "/// © Rett Crocker 1997 \\\" & RETURN after lText
  put "\\\ ///" & RETURN after lText
  return lText



36 South Court Sq
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Newnan, GA 30263

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