on getPropertyDescriptionList me
set description = [:]
addProp description, #x, [#default:0.0,#format:#float,#comment:"Initial X position:"]
addProp description, #y, [#default:0.0,#format:#float,#comment:"Initial y position:"]
addProp description, #vx, [#default:50.0,#format:#float,#comment:"Initial X vel:"]
addProp description, #vy, [#default:50.0,#format:#float,#comment:"Initial y vel:"]
addProp description, #ax, [#default:0.0,#format:#float,#comment:"Initial X acc:"]
addProp description, #ay, [#default:-9.8,#format:#float,#comment:"Initial y acc:"]
addProp description, #mx, [#default:1.0,#format:#float,#comment:"Initial X slope:"]
addProp description, #my, [#default:1.0,#format:#float,#comment:"Initial y slope:"]
addProp description, #bx, [#default:0.0,#format:#float,#comment:"Initial X int:"]
addProp description, #by, [#default:0.0,#format:#float,#comment:"Initial y int:"]
addProp description, #dt, [#default:0.2,#format:#float,#comment:"Initial delta T:"]
addProp description, #bounding_Rect, [#default:1,#format:#integer,#comment:"Bounding Rect Sprite:"]
addProp description, #coef_rest, [#default:1.0,#format:#float,#comment:"Coef Restitution (0-1):"]
return description
end getPropertyDescriptionList
on getBehaviorDescription
-- this script doesn't bother to check for errors of any sort when
-- colliding with a "wall." Also doesn't take into account the size of the
-- bitmap so it will bounce from it's registration point.
-- The formula's use a "small delta T" approximation, and y points upward (not down!)
return "This enables object to feel a force. Default setting are for basic gravity. Smaller dt's are more accurate, but larger ones increase rate of motion. To get started just put a bitmap ball (sprite 2) with this behavior, and have a rect as sprite 1. Be sure the ball is inside the rect at the start. Loop in the frame script and watch the ball bounce."&RETURN&RETURN&"You can see lots of examples which use variations of this behavior at http://ExploreScience.com/"&RETURN&RETURN&"Raman (pfaff@ExploreScience.com)"
end getBehaviorDescription
on beginSprite me
-- can set lots of initial stuff here (user adjustable fields)
set bounding_box = the rect of sprite bounding_Rect
set time = 0.0
set x = the locH of sprite the spriteNum of me
set y = (the bottom of bounding_box - the top of bounding_box) -the locV of sprite the spriteNum of me
on exitframe me
moveObject me
-- sometimes useful to keep track of time
set time = time + dt
on findPos me
set x to x+vx*dt+ax*dt*dt
set y to y+vy*dt+ay*dt*dt
on findVel me
set vx to vx+ax*dt
set vy to vy+ay*dt
on findAcc me
-- this is where you can put the controlled force formula, where you may need to use masses.
-- can have velocity dependant forces, etc.
-- could just call a more complex movie script
set ax = ax
set ay = ay
-- an mediocre example of air drag would be
-- set ax = -.05*vx
-- set ay = min(ay - .05*vy,0.0)
on moveObject me
-- has a slope and an intercept to have things scaled when necessary
set xs to integer(mx*x+bx)
set ys to 300-integer(my*y+bx)
set ys to (the bottom of bounding_box - the top of bounding_box) -integer(my*y+by)
if xs >= the right of bounding_box or xs <= the left of bounding_box then
set vx to -vx*coef_rest
else if ys >= the bottom of bounding_box or ys <= the top of bounding_box then
set vy to -vy*coef_rest
end if
set the loc of sprite the spriteNum of me to point(xs,ys)
-- can put various handlers here to tell the sprite to change itself
on setVx me, value
set vx = value
on setVy me, value
set vy = value
on tellVs me
set temp = []
set temp = [vx,vy]
return temp
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Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263