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Behavior Simple file open/save dialog behavior

Added on 6/7/1999


behavior D6_5 Mac

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Author: MartinKloss

Simple file open/save dialog behavior

property pFileMode, pFileToOpen, pFileToSave, pFileType, pFieldName

on mouseUp me
  -- check if the field exists, otherwise create one
  if the number of member pFieldName < 0 then
    set newField = new(#field)
    set the name of member newField to pFieldName
  end if
  -- check which mode
  case pFileMode of
    "save" : saveFile me
    "open" : openFile me
  end case

on saveFile me
  -- check if an instance is already open
  if objectP(aFile) then set aFile = 0  
  -- create a new instance of the xtra
  set aFile = new(xtra "fileio")  
  -- put the text of the field into a variable
  set textStoreRoom = the text of field pFieldName
  -- set the filermask for the file to save
  setfiltermask (aFile, pFileType)
  -- display the "Save as" dialog window
  set pFileToSave = displaySave( aFile, "Save text as...", "*.*")
  -- make the file
  createFile(aFile, pFileToSave)
  -- check for the file
  if status(aFile) = 0 then
    --  open the file with R/W access to write the data to it
    openFile(aFile, pFileToSave, 0)
    --  now write your text to the file
    writeString( aFile, textStoreRoom)
    -- check for errors
    alert "Status: "&error(aFile,status(aFile))        
  end if
  --  finally close the file
  closeFile (aFile)        
  -- get rid of the instance
  set myFile = 0            

on openFile me
  -- check if an instance is already open
  if objectP(aFile) then set aFile = 0  
  -- create a new instance of the xtra
  set aFile = new(xtra "fileio")  
  -- set the filermask for the file to open
  setfiltermask (aFile, pFileType)
  -- display the "Open" dialog window
  set pFileToOpen = displayOpen(aFile)
  -- check for the file
  if not voidP(pFileToOpen) and not (pFileToOpen = EMPTY) then
    -- it's there so let's open it to read
    openFile(aFile, pFileToOpen, 1)
    if status(aFile) = 0 then
      -- read the file into a variable
      set textStoreRoom = readFile(aFile)
      -- clear the target field
      set the text of field pFieldName to EMPTY
      -- put the stored text into the target field
      put textStoreRoom into field pFieldName
      -- something went wrong...
      alert error(aFile,status(aFile))
    end if
  end if
  -- finally close the file
  -- get rid of the instance
  set aFile = 0                      

on getPropertyDescriptionList
  set lFileModeList = ["open","save"]
  set lFileTypesList = ["All files, *.*", "Text files,*.txt", "HTML files, *.html"]
  set p_list = [ ¬
              #pFileMode: [ ¬
              #comment:"Select the file mode:",¬
                  #format: #string,¬
                  #range:lFileModeList ],¬
              #pFileType: [ ¬
              #comment:"Select the file type:",¬
                  #format: #string,¬
                  #range:lFileTypesList ],¬
              #pFieldName: [¬
                  #comment:"Select the field:",¬
  return p_list

on getBehaviorDescription
  return ¬
            "Simple behavior to open or save a file with the click of a button." & RETURN & "Display an open-dialog and write the contents of a file to a field or save the contents of a field to a file." & RETURN & "Important: This behavior requires the fileio xtra !" & RETURN & RETURN & "Drag the behavior to a sprite, specify the file mode, the file type you want to open or save and the field for your operation." & RETURN & "This behavior currently opens or saves HTML and plain text files. The error checking is very limited so feel free to add error checking routines, more file types or other features. Also, let me know if you have any request for additional features." & RETURN & RETURN & "written by Martin Kloss, November 1997" & RETURN & "email:"



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