on beginSprite me
set bezchan = the spriteNum of me
set bezpos = the loc of sprite bezchan
set p0 = bezpos
planmove me, p3
end new
on randomsign
return random (3) - 2
end randomsign
on planmove me, where
set planstage = 0
set p0 = the loc of sprite bezchan
set vector = p0 - p3
set deviation = (veclength (vector) / 2.5) + 1
set p1 = p0 + (vector / 3) + randomsign () * ¬
point(random (deviation),random(deviation))
set p2 = p3 - (vector / 3) + randomsign () * ¬
point(random (deviation),random(deviation))
set dc = 3 * (p1 - p0)
set db = 3 * (p2 - p1) - dc
set da = p3 - p0 - dc - db
set beztime = the timer
set bezfinish = beztime + abs (bezperiod)
end planmove
on veclength aVector
set anH = the locH of aVector
set aV = the locV of aVector
return sqrt (anH * anH + aV * aV)
end vecLength
on planimate me
set atime = float (the timer - beztime)
if atime <= bezperiod then
set t1 = atime / bezperiod
set t2 = t1 * t1
set t3 = t2 * t1
set bezpos = da * t3 + db * t2 + dc * t1 + p0
set bezpos = point (the loch of bezpos, the locv of bezpos)
set the loc of sprite bezchan = bezpos
if bezpos <> p3 then
set bezpos = p3
set the loc of sprite bezchan = bezpos
end if
end if
end planimate
on exitframe me
planimate me
end stepframe
on getBehaviorDescription me
set line1 = "Creates a semi-random Bezier curve animation path between the sprite"s original position "
set line2 = "and a point determined in the property dialog box. The period of the animation is "
set line3 = "user-definable (measured in ticks)." & RETURN
set line4 = "The variation of the Bezier curve is dependent on the distance moved. For more info on "
set line5 = "Bezier animation techniques in Director, see http://www.moshplant.com/direct-or/bezier/"
return line1 & line2 & line3 & line4 & line5
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263