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Behavior Get Crazy

Added on 6/7/1999


behavior D6_5 Mac PC

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Author: DetlefBeyer

GetCrazy behavior © Detlef Beyer (

property pSpeed,pDir,pSprite,pH,pV,pMv,pMh,pStageL,pStageR,pStageT,pStageB,pStageW,pStageH,¬

on beginSprite me,wichSprite
  set pSprite = the spriteNum of me
  puppetSprite pSprite,TRUE
  set myDummy = random(the ticks)
  set pSpeed = 1
  set pDir = random(8)
  set pMv = the mouseV
  set pMh = the mouseH
  set pOldH = pH
  set pOldV = pV
  set pAlarmCnt = 0
  set pStageW = the stageRight - the stageLeft
  set pStageH = the stageBottom - the stageTop
  set pStageL = the width of member (the memberNum of sprite pSprite) / 2
  set pStageR = pStageW - the width of member (the memberNum of sprite pSprite) / 2
  set pStageT = the height of member (the memberNum of sprite pSprite) / 2
  set pStageB = pStageH - the height of member (the memberNum of sprite pSprite) / 2
  set pH = the locH of sprite pSprite
  set pV = the locV of sprite pSprite
  set pStartTime = the ticks
  set the locH of sprite pSprite to pH
  set the locV of sprite pSprite to pV
end beginSprite

on exitFrame me
  if the ticks > pStartTime + pSpeed then
    set pStartTime = the ticks
  end if
end exitFrame

on mGoPuppet me
  case pDir of
    1 :
      set pH = pH
      set pV = pV - 1
    2 :
      set pH = pH + 1
      set pV = pV - 1
    3 :
      set pH = pH + 1
      set pV = pV
    4 :
      set pH = pH + 1
      set pV = pV + 1
    5 :
      set pH = pH
      set pV = pV + 1
    6 :
      set pH = pH - 1
      set pV = pV + 1
    7 :
      set pH = pH - 1
      set pV = pV
    8 :
      set pH = pH - 1
      set pV = pV - 1
  end case
  set the locH of sprite pSprite = pH
  set the locV of sprite pSprite = pV
end mGoPuppet

on mSetNewDir me
  if mCheckWall(me) then
    set pDir = mCheckWallDir(me)
    if pSpeed < 5 then
      set pDir = mCheckDir()
    end if
  end if
end mSetNewDir

on mReverseDir me
  set pDir = pDir + 4
  if pDir > 8 then
    set pDir = pDir - 8
  end if
end mReverseDir

on mCheckWall me
  -- Hit the Wall?
  if pH < pStageL OR pH > pStageR OR pV < pStageT OR pV > pStageB then
    return TRUE
    return FALSE
  end if
end mCheckWall

on mSetSpeed me
  set newDist = mCheckSpeed(me)
  if newDist > 100 then
    set pSpeed = 20
    if newDist > 80 then
      set pSpeed = 13
      if newDist > 60 then
        set pSpeed = 8
        if newDist > 40 then
          set pSpeed = 5
          if newDist > 20 then
            set pSpeed = 1
            set pSpeed = 0
          end if
        end if
      end if
    end if
  end if
end mSetSpeed

on mCheckSpeed me
  set pMv = the mouseV
  set pMh = the mouseH
  set n = pMh - pH
  set m = pMv - pV
  if n < 0 then
    set n = n * (-1)
  end if
  if m < 0 then
    set m = m * (-1)
  end if
  return n + m
end mCheckSpeed

on mCheckDir me
  if pMh > pH then
    if pMv > pV then
      set newDir = 8
      if pMv < pV then
        set newDir = 6
        -- pMv = pV
        set newDir = 7
      end if
    end if
    if pMh < pH then
      if pMv > pV then
        set newDir = 2
        if pMv < pV then
          set newDir = 4
          -- pMv = pV
          set newDir = 3
        end if
      end if
      -- pMh = pH
      if pMv > pV then
        set newDir = 1
        if pMv < pV then
          set newDir = 5
          -- pMv = pV
          set newDir = 0
        end if
      end if
    end if
  end if
  -- Tolleranz
  if pMv < pV then
    if pMh < pH then
      if (pH - pMh < 1 AND pV - pMv < 2) then
        set newDir = 0
      end if
      if (pMh - pH < 1 AND pV - pMv < 2) then
        set newDir = 0
      end if
    end if
    if pMh < pH then
      if (pH - pMh < 1 AND pMv - pV < 2) then
        set newDir = 0
      end if
      if (pMh - pH < 1 AND pMv - pV < 2) then
        set newDir = 0
      end if
    end if
  end if
  return newDir
end mCheckDir

on mCheckWallDir me
  if pH > pStageR then
    if pV > pStageB then
      set newDir = 8
      if pV < pStageT then
        set newDir = 6
        set newDir = 7
      end if
    end if
    if pH < pStageL then
      if pV > pStageB then
        set newDir = 2
        if pV < pStageT then
          set newDir = 4
          set newDir = 3
        end if
      end if
      if pV > pStageB then
        set newDir = 1
        if pV < pStageT then
          set newDir = 5
          set newDir = pDir
        end if
      end if
    end if
  end if
  return newDir
end mCheckWallDir

on mKillMe me
  puppetSprite pSprite,FALSE
end mKillMe


on getBehaviorDescription
  return "moves the sprite randomly over the stage and tries to" & ¬
                             "get away from the mouse. © Detlef Beyer ("
end getBehaviorDescription



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