Use this to make an e-mail window pop up with the inserted info already inserted. Note that there is a limit on the ammount of body text.
--I am unsure of the origin of this script. If anyone has any idea who wrote this, please e-mail me so I can give them proper credit.
on sendmail emailAddress, bodyText, subject
set addressString = emailAddress
set subjectString = subject
set messageString = urlEncode(bodyText)
gotonetpage "mailto:"&addressString&"?subject="&subjectString&"&body="&messageString
--Converts Text to URL Coded Data
on urlEncode whichString
if NOT stringP(whichString) then exit
set reservedListASCII = [32, 123, 125, 124, 92, 94, 126, 91, 93, 39,35, 37, 60, 62, 34, 59, 44, 47, 63, 58, 64, 61, 38, 13]
set replaceList = ["%20", "%7B", "%7D", "%7C", "%5C", "%5E", "%7E", "%5B", "%5D", "%27", "%23", "%25", "%3C", "%3E", "%22", "%3B", "%2C", "%2F", "%3F", "%3A", "%40", "%3D", "%26","%0D"]
set sLength = the number of chars in whichString
repeat with i = 1 to sLength
set currentChar = charToNum(char i of whichString)
set replaceLoc = getOne(reservedListASCII,currentChar)
if replaceLoc then
put getAt(replaceList,replaceLoc) into char i of whichString
set i = i + 2
set sLength = sLength + 2
end if
end repeat
return whichString
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263