Billenium Transitions Xtra is an extensive collection of professional transitions at a very affordable price.
There are 17 different families of transitions, most of them with several variations so you get hundreds of effects. In fact, by using the 'Bitmap mask' transition you are only limited by your imagination as you can design your own effects.
Our transitions have been extensively tested on thousands of computers worldwide. They are reliable and fast enough for use in not so powerful computers.
Easy of use is one of our main goals. We provide a nice visual editor which can show a preview of the effect. Given the great number of parameters and variations we provide, this can save a lot of time if you are a perfectionist. What's more, you can change the transition kind (for example from a 'Roll' to a 'Bitmap mask') without leaving the editor. Even the duration is set from within the editor.
What's new in version 2:
- Certified for Director 11
- New Page transition
- New Pixelate transition
- New Blur transition
- New SmoothBand property in the Wipe transition
- New MaskMode (Stretch, Tile or Zoom) property in the Bitmap mask transition
- Added a random direction setting for transitions
- Added a 7th smoothing level in circle, diagonal, interlaced and radial transitions
- Much faster roll transition
- Improved transitions editor: asynchronous preview and optional autopreview
- Compatibility with Data Execution Prevention (DEP) feature of Windows XP SP2
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263