The script will clear any or all embedded font members specified. This should be placed in a movieScript.
-- place in a moviescript and call from the message window
on clearEmbeddedFonts (fontName)
castCount = the number of castLibs
repeat with j = 1 to castCount
memCount = the number of members of castlib j
put memCount
repeat with k = 1 to memCount
if member(k, j).type <> #font then next repeat
Case fontName of
member(k, j).erase()
if member(k, j).font = fontName then member(k, j).erase()
end Case
if the paramCount = 2 and param(2) then
msg = "deleted font member" && k && "from castLib" && j
end if
end repeat
end repeat
-- you can pass these parameters:
-- param 1 : either the name of the font, for example "Arial *" or #all
-- param 2 : either 1 (True) or 0 (False) to provide an alert msg to indicate the member that was erased.
-- eg.
-- from message window:
-- clearEmbeddedFonts("Arial *", 0) -- with no alert
-- clearEmbeddedFonts("Arial *", 1) -- with an alert
-- clearEmbeddedFonts(#all) -- clears all the fonts with no alert
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263