Random numbers from file names -w/o BuddyAPI
Added on 10/9/2005
Creates random numbers from file names. Does not need the buddy API, but might not work too good on macs, unless their hard drive is named "hard disk". For PC the main drive must be "c:". For script without this limitation see the RNG w/ Buddy API.
Format: rand(num, mode)
mode: "float" or "integer"
Does return 0 so be careful what you use it for.
on rand lim, mode
tString = string(the ticks)
tCount = tString.char.count
tVar = integer( tString.char[tCount] )
tVar2 = integer( tString.char[tCount-1] )
case tVar2 of
1: --set 1 of numbers
case tVar of
0: cFile = 15
1: cFile = 19
2: cFile = 9
3: cFile = 11
4: cFile = 7
5: cFile = 13
6: cFile = 5
7: cFile = 3
8: cFile = 17
9: cFile = 1
end case
2: --set 2 of numbers
case tVar of
0: cFile = 11
1: cFile = 15
2: cFile = 17
3: cFile = 19
4: cFile = 13
5: cFile = 7
6: cFile = 3
7: cFile = 1
8: cFile = 9
9: cFile = 5
end case
3: --set 3 of numbers
case tVar of
0: cFile = 1
1: cFile = 5
2: cFile = 9
3: cFile = 13
4: cFile = 17
5: cFile = 19
6: cFile = 15
7: cFile = 11
8: cFile = 7
9: cFile = 3
end case
4: --set 4 of numbers
case tVar of
0: cFile = 3
1: cFile = 7
2: cFile = 11
3: cFile = 15
4: cFile = 19
5: cFile = 17
6: cFile = 13
7: cFile = 9
8: cFile = 5
9: cFile = 1
end case
5: --set 5 of numbers
case tVar of
0: cFile = 15
1: cFile = 11
2: cFile = 7
3: cFile = 3
4: cFile = 1
5: cFile = 5
6: cFile = 9
7: cFile = 13
8: cFile = 17
9: cFile = 19
end case
6: --set 6 of numbers
case tVar of
0: cFile = 7
1: cFile = 5
2: cFile = 9
3: cFile = 1
4: cFile = 13
5: cFile = 17
6: cFile = 15
7: cFile = 3
8: cFile = 19
9: cFile = 11
end case
7: --set 7 of numbers
case tVar of
0: cFile = 2
1: cFile = 4
2: cFile = 6
3: cFile = 8
4: cFile = 10
5: cFile = 12
6: cFile = 14
7: cFile = 16
8: cFile = 18
9: cFile = 20
end case
8: --set 8 of numbers
case tVar of
0: cFile = 20
1: cFile = 18
2: cFile = 16
3: cFile = 14
4: cFile = 12
5: cFile = 10
6: cFile = 8
7: cFile = 6
8: cFile = 4
9: cFile = 2
end case
9: --set 9 of numbers
case tVar of
0: cFile = 4
1: cFile = 14
2: cFile = 8
3: cFile = 18
4: cFile = 12
5: cFile = 10
6: cFile = 20
7: cFile = 6
8: cFile = 16
9: cFile = 2
end case
0: --set 10 of numbers
case tVar of
0: cFile = 1
1: cFile = 10
2: cFile = 2
3: cFile = 9
4: cFile = 3
5: cFile = 8
6: cFile = 4
7: cFile = 7
8: cFile = 5
9: cFile = 6
end case
end case
if the platform contains "Windows" then myPath = "C:"
if the platform contains "Macintosh" then myPath = "HardDisk:"
myFile = EMPTY
repeat while myFile = EMPTY
myFile = getNthFileNameInFolder(myPath, cFile)
cFile = cFile-1
end repeat
tString = string(the milliseconds)
tCount = tString.char.count
tVar = integer( tString.char[tCount] )
case tVar of
0: cLetter= 1
1: cLetter = 6
2: cLetter = 2
3: cLetter = 7
4: cLetter = 3
5: cLetter = 8
6: cLetter = 4
7: cLetter = 9
8: cLetter = 5
9: cLetter = 10
end case
myChar = ""
repeat while myChar = ""
myChar = myFile.char[cLetter]
cLetter = cLetter-1
end repeat
myNum = chartonum(myChar)
fNum = ( (myNum-32.0)/90.0 )*lim
case mode of
return integer(fNum)
return float(fNum)
end case