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Behavior merge sorting including accent marked strings

Added on 4/29/2005



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Author: Roti (website)

You can sort linear or proerty lists. If you use accentmarked or other non ASCII characters, you will need it -- - mergeSort(ptr_list, int_startPos, int_endPos) -- a=["d":["1","1","1","1"],"á":["2","2","2","2"],"a":["3","3","3","3"],"x":["4","4","4","4"]] -- mergeSort(a, 1, a.count) -- ["a": ["3", "3", "3", "3"], "á": ["2", "2", "2", "2"], "d": ["1", "1", "1", "1"], "x": ["4", "4", "4", "4"]] -- - AddPropAt(propertyList, index, propertyName, propertyValue) -- put AddPropAt(["d":["1","1","1","1"],"a":["2","2","2","2"],"f":["3","3","3","3"],"x":["4","4","4","4"]], 3, "roti", ["r":"we"]) -- ["d": ["1", "1", "1", "1"], "a": ["2", "2", "2", "2"], "roti": ["r": "we"], "f": ["3", "3", "3", "3"], "x": ["4", "4", "4", "4"]]

Download PC Source
-- by Roti,
-- 2005.04.29.
-- collected/corrected/own functions for merge sorting including accent marked strings
-- You can sort linear or proerty lists. If you use accentmarked or other non ASCII characters, you will need it
-- - mergeSort(ptr_list, int_startPos, int_endPos)
-- a=["d":["1","1","1","1"],"á":["2","2","2","2"],"a":["3","3","3","3"],"x":["4","4","4","4"]]
-- mergeSort(a, 1, a.count)
-- ["a": ["3", "3", "3", "3"], "á": ["2", "2", "2", "2"], "d": ["1", "1", "1", "1"], "x": ["4", "4", "4", "4"]]
-- - AddPropAt(propertyList, index, propertyName, propertyValue)
-- put AddPropAt(["d":["1","1","1","1"],"a":["2","2","2","2"],"f":["3","3","3","3"],"x":["4","4","4","4"]], 3, "roti", ["r":"we"])
-- ["d": ["1", "1", "1", "1"], "a": ["2", "2", "2", "2"], "roti": ["r": "we"], "f": ["3", "3", "3", "3"], "x": ["4", "4", "4", "4"]]
-- merge sort linear or property list
-- mergeSort (modified by Roti for property lists)
on mergeSort(ptr_list, int_startPos, int_endPos)
  if int_startPos < int_endPos then
    _int_midpoint = ( int_startPos + int_endPos ) / 2
    mergeSort(ptr_list, int_startPos, _int_midpoint)
    mergeSort(ptr_list, _int_midpoint+1, int_endPos)
    listMerge(ptr_list, int_startPos, _int_midpoint+1, int_endPos)
  end if

on listMerge ptr_list, int_startPos, int_midpoint, int_endPos
  _int_copiedLeft = 0
  _int_copiedRight = 0
  _int_copied = 0
  _int_absLeftEndPos = int_midpoint - int_startPos
  _int_absRightEndPos = int_endPos - int_midpoint + 1
  if ptr_list.ilk=#proplist then
    _list_tmp = [:]
    _list_tmp = []
  end if
  repeat while ( _int_copiedLeft < _int_absLeftEndPos ) and ( _int_copiedRight < _int_absRightEndPos)
    _int_copied = _int_copied + 1
    _int_leftPos = int_startPos+_int_copiedLeft
    _int_rightPos = int_midpoint+_int_copiedRight
    if ptr_list.ilk=#proplist then
      _int_leftValue = ptr_list.getpropat(_int_leftPos)
      _int_rightValue = ptr_list.getpropat(_int_rightPos)
      _int_leftValue = ptr_list[_int_leftPos]
      _int_rightValue = ptr_list[_int_rightPos]
    end if
    -- compare lists to see if the left or right side is bigger
    if my_str1grstr2(_int_rightValue,_int_leftValue) then
      if ptr_list.ilk=#proplist then
        -- _list_tmp[_int_copied] = ptr_list.getpropat(_int_leftPos)
        _list_tmp[_int_copied] = ptr_list[_int_leftPos]
      end if
      _int_copiedLeft = _int_copiedLeft + 1
      if ptr_list.ilk=#proplist then
        _list_tmp[_int_copied] = ptr_list[_int_rightPos]
      end if
      _int_copiedRight = _int_copiedRight + 1
    end if
  end repeat
  -- add everything remaining on the left list
  repeat while ( _int_copiedLeft < _int_absLeftEndPos )
    _int_copied = _int_copied + 1
    if ptr_list.ilk=#proplist then
      _list_tmp[_int_copied] = ptr_list[int_startPos+_int_copiedLeft]
    end if
    _int_copiedLeft = _int_copiedLeft + 1
  end repeat
  -- add everything remaining on the right list
  repeat while ( _int_copiedRight < _int_absRightEndPos )
    _int_copied = _int_copied + 1
    if ptr_list.ilk=#proplist then
      _list_tmp[_int_copied] = ptr_list[int_midpoint+_int_copiedRight]
    end if
    _int_copiedRight = _int_copiedRight + 1
  end repeat
  -- change it back in the pointer
  _int_counter = 1
  repeat with i = int_startPos to int_endPos
    -- reattach pointer that points to the correct address from the tmp list
    if ptr_list.ilk=#proplist then
      addpropat(ptr_list,i, _list_tmp.getpropat(_int_counter) ,_list_tmp[_int_counter])
      ptr_list[i] = _list_tmp[_int_counter]
    end if
    _int_counter = _int_counter + 1
  end repeat

-- needed functions:

-- for character or integer compares
-- with integers, it corrects the accent marked compares
--put "á"<"a"
-- 0
--put "áa"<"aa"
-- 0
--put "áab"<"aaa"
-- 0
--put "áacv"<"aás"
-- 1 --BAD
--put "áac"<"aás"
-- 1 --BAD
--put "áac">"aás"
-- 0 --BAD
-- is str1 _greater_ than str2
-- return true or false
--put my_str1grstr2("áac","aás")
-- 1
on my_str1grstr2 str1,str2
  -- threat integers
  if str1.ilk=#integer and str2.ilk=#integer then
    if str1>str2 then
      return true
      return false
    end if
  end if
  -- go to the shorter length
  -- delete the same characters
  repeat while str1.char[1]=str2.char[1] and str1.char[1]<>"" and str2.char[1]<>""
    delete char 1 of str1
    delete char 1 of str2
  end repeat
  if str1="" and str2<>"" then
    return false
  end if
  if str1<>"" and str2="" then
    return true
  end if
  -- equal strings
  if str1="" and str2="" then
    return false
  end if
  -- the first character makes sense
  if str1.char[1]    return false
  end if
  return true

-- originally from:
-- addpropat: (slow on big lists)
on AddPropAt(propertyList, index, propertyName, propertyValue)
  -- Adds a property named with a value
  -- at position of .  If is greater
  -- than the number of elements in then the new
  -- property is added at the end of the list.
  -- An error is returned if is not a propList, or if
  -- is negative.
  -- The original list is modified, and a pointer to it is returned.

  if not(ilk(propertyList, #propList)) then
    return #invalidPropList
  else if index < 0 then
    return #invalidIndex
  end if

  tempList = [:]
  i = propertyList.count()
  repeat while i >= index
    tempList.addProp(propertyList.getPropAt(i), propertyList[i])
    i = i - 1
  end repeat

  propertyList.addProp(propertyName, propertyValue)

  i = tempList.count()
  repeat while i
    propertyList.addProp(tempList.getPropAt(i), tempList[i])
    i = i - 1
  end repeat

  return propertyList -- Unnecessary but nice
end AddPropAt



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