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Behavior Combinations and Permutations

Added on 8/22/2004


behavior D9 Mac PC Script Shockwave UK US

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Author: JimAndrews (website)

This movie script calculates C(n,r), P(n,r), and n!. C(n,r) is the number of combinations of n things taken r at a time. P(n,r) is the number of permutations of n things taken r at a time. n! = n(n-1)(n-2)...1.

--C(n,r), P(n,r), and nFactorial(n)
--Jim Andrews, August 2004

--This is a movie script.


--C(n,r) returns the number of combinations of n things taken r at a time.
--See the documentation in the handler itself.

--P(n,r) returns the number of permutations of n things taken r at a time.
--See the documentation in the handler itself.

--nFactorial(n) returns n!=n(n-1)(n-2)...1
--See the documentation in the handler itself.

--tester is for running C(n,r) in batch to test it out and see how
--it performs in terms of execution time.


on C(n,r)
  --Returns the number of combinations of n things taken r at at time.
  --Otherwise known as 'n choose r'. For instance, suppose there are
  --five marbles: a red one R, blue one B, green one G, yellow one Y,
  --and white one W. Then C(5,2) is the number of combinations of
  --5 things taken two at a time. There are 10 such combinations: RB,
  --RG, RY, RW, BG, BY, BW, GY, GW, YW. Another example. Suppose
  --there are only four marbles and we consider C(4,2). There are
  --6 combinations: RG, RB, RW, GB, GW, BW. Note that RG is
  --considered to be the same as GB, ie, order does not matter.
  --The formula for C(n,r) = n! / ((n-r)!r!) = n(n-1)...(n-r+1) / r!
  --Note that C(n,r)=C(n,n-r)
  --n is a positive integer. r is also a positive integer and n>=r.
  --RETURN VALUE******************************************************
  --If n <=0 or r <=0 or n   --this is not the case.
  --When C(n,r) <= the maxInteger, C(n,r) returns an integer.
  --When C(n,r) > the maxInteger, C(n,r) will either return a float
  --or INF if the value exceeds power(10, 308)= 10^308 since
  --that is about the largest number Lingo can handle.
  --Note that x! gets big very quickly. C(n,r) will return a numeric
  --result for any value of n up to 1029 (regardless of the value of r).
  --Once n becomes larger than 1029, whether C(n,r) will return a
  --numeric value depends on the value of r. Note that for a fixed
  --value of n, C(n,r) is maximal for r=n/2.
  --Cnr(8000,141)=3.29901039459756e306 but Cnr(8000,142) results in overflow.
  --Cnr(9000,137)=3.79579369880744e306 but Cnr(9000,138) results in overflow.
  --Cnr(20000,116)=1.75293130532995e308 but Cnr(20000,117) results in overflow.
  --Cnr(50000,98)=3.04355441316505e306 but Cnr(50000,99) results in overflow.
  --Cnr(200000,80)=1.66268189754524e305 but Cnr(200000,81) results in overflow.
  --Cnr(28000000,50)=7.49562229407397e307 but Cnr(28000000,51) results in overflow.
  --Note that Lingo only maintains 15 significant digits in floats, so any numbers longer
  --than 15 digits have some loss of total accuracy. They are accurate only in the first 14
  if n > 0 then
    if r >0 then
      if n>=r then
        --Then proceed.
        if theResult <= the maxinteger then
          --We return an integer result when possible.
          return integer(theResult)
          --Otherwise the result will be a float
          return theResult
        end if
        --Else n        return 0
      end if
      --Else r<=0 and n>0
      if r<0 then
        return 0
        --Else r=0 and n>0
        return 1
      end if
    end if
    --Else n<=0
    if n<0 then
      return 0
      --Else n=0
      if r=0 then
        return 1
        return 0
      end if
    end if
  end if

on nFactorial(n)
  --This returns n! = n(n-1)(n-2)...1
  --Note that 0!=1 (by logical convention)
  --n is a positive integer <=170
  --Values of n > 170 return INF
  --because they exceed power(10,308).
  --RETURN VALUE**********************************************
  --Returns a floating point number if n<=170; returns INF
  if n=1 then
    return 1.0
    if n=0 then
      return 1.0
      return n * nFactorial(n-1)
    end if
  end if

on P(n,r)
  --This returns P(n,r), the number of permutations of n things
  --taken r at a time. The difference between this and C(n,r)
  --is that order matters in permutations. So, for instance,
  --if there are 4 marbles R, G, B, and Y and we consider
  --P(4,2), it will be 12 because there are 12 permutations: RG,
  --GR, RB, BR, RY, YR, GB, BG, GY, YG, BY, YB
  --The formula for P(n,r) = n! / (n-r)! = n(n-1)...(n-r+1)
  --P(n,r) will return a value when n<=170 regardless of what r is.
  --When n is larger than 170, P(n,r) will return a value when
  --P(n,r) <= power(10,309) and will return INF otherwise.
  --because power(10,309) (or thereabouts) is the biggest
  --number Lingo can handle.
  --RETURN VALUE**********************************************
  --Returns a floating point number or INF if the value is too large.
  return Permutations(n,r,1)

on tester(n1, n2)
  --This was written to test the above code.
  --This runs C(n,r)   n2 - n1   times.
  --For instance, if n1=4 and n2=10, tester will compute
  --C(4,2), C(5,2), C(6,3), C(7/3), C(8,4), C(9,4), and C(10,5)
  --and display the time each took to compute.
  --I suggest you type tester(1,1050) in the message
  --window and wait a while for the results.
  repeat with i=n1 to n2
    startTime=the milliseconds
    theEndTime=the milliseconds - startTime
    theText=theText & "C(" & string(i) & "," & string(i/2) & ")="  & string(theResult) &  "  time: " & string(theEndTime) & " ms" & RETURN
  end repeat
  put theText


on Combos(n,r, theCount)
  --This recursive private handler is called by C(n,r) to do the work.
  if theCount=r then
    return n
    return Combos(n-1,r, theCount+1) * (float(n)/(r-theCount+1))
  end if

on Permutations(n,r, theCount)
  --This recursive private handler is called by P(n,r) to do the work.
  if theCount=r then
    return float(n)
    return n * Permutations(n-1,r, theCount+1)
  end if



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