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Behavior Parse CSV File

Added on 5/24/2004



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Author: MediaMacros (website)

Parses a CSV file or string and returns a list or property list of the results. This is not really useful for very large CSV files as the speed becomes incredibly slow, but works well for shorter ones (IE under about 500 lines or so) This also handles complex CSV like the type exported by Excel.

--CSV Parser
--Copyright 2004 - MediaMacros, Inc. / Chuck Neal
--Parses a CSV char by char and returns a linear list or property list of the results
--Original C++ version - Copyright Mauricio Piacentini - Tabuleiro

--Version History
--Created 5/24/2004

--vFile - filename of the CSV OR the text to parse
--vCharSep - Character to use as the separator - ",", TAB, etc
--vCharQuote - Character to use as the escape quote char - QUOTE, "'", etc
--vMaxRecords - Max records to get. 0 or void for all
--vNumFields - Number of fields per row.  Script will calculate this itself based on line 1 if set to 0 or void
--vFirstLineName - true/false - Denotes wether to use the first line to get names for the property list.  Otherwise each row will be a linear list.

on decodeCSV vFile, vCharSep, vCharQuote, vMaxRecords, vNumFields, vFirstLineName
  --check the text
  if baFileExists(vFIle) then
    --import the text    
    vText = MMI_readTextFile(vFile) & return
    --assumes this is the text
    vText = vFile & return
  end if
  --are we in "quote mode"
  iQuoteMode = 0
  --are we in excaped mode
  iEscapeMode = 0
  --current text
  iCurrent = ""
  --set the current number of records
  iRecords = -1
  --check the number of fields  
  if vNumFields < 1 then vNumFields = 0
  --loop through the file
  --set the list of records
  iFieldNames = []
  iRows = []
  if vFirstLineName = 1 then
    iRow = [:]
    iRow = []
  end if
  repeat with x = 1 to vText.char.count
    c = vText.char[x]
    if c = vCharQuote then
      --are we in quote mode?
      if iQuoteMode then
        if iEscapeMode then
          --turn off escape mode
          iEscapeMode = false
          --add the char
          put c after iCurrent
          --are we escaping, or just finishing the quote?
          d = vText.char[x + 1]
          if d = vCharQuote then
            --turn on escape mode
            iEscapeMode = true
            --turn escape mode off
            iQuoteMode = false            
          end if
        end if
        iQuoteMode = true
      end if
    else if c = vCharSep then
      --are we in quote mode?
      put c after iCurrent
      if iQuoteMOde = true then
        --not quoting, start new record
        --is this line 1?
        if iRecords < 0 and vFirstLineName = true then
          if vFirstLineName <> 1 and iRecords < 0 then
            iRecords = 0
          end if
          --add the content
          if iRow.count < vNumFields or vNumFields < 1 then
            --only add if we have not exceded the number of allowed fields per row
            if vFirstLineName = 1 then
              iRow.addProp(iFieldNames[iRow.count + 1], iCurrent)
            end if
          end if
        end if
        --reset current
        iCurrent = ""
      end if
    else if c = numToChar(10) then
      --new line.  If its in the quote use it, if not, then new record
      if iQuoteMode then
        --add the newline
        put c after iCurrent
        --not quoting, start new record
        --is this line 1?
        if iRecords < 0 and vFirstLineName = true then
          if vNumFields = 0 then
            vNumFields = iFieldnames.count
          end if
          if vFirstLineName <> 1 and iRecords < 0 then
            iRecords = 0
          end if
          --add the content
          if vFirstLineName = 1 then
            iRow.addProp(iFieldNames[iRow.count + 1], iCurrent)
          end if
          --add the row
          --check the number of fields
          if vNumFields = 0 then
            vNumFields = iRow.count
          end if
          if vFirstLineName = 1 then
            iRow = [:]
            iRow = []
          end if
          iRecords = iRows.count
        end if
        --get the field count if needed
        iRecords = iRows.count
        --reset current
        iCurrent = ""
        if iRecords > vMaxRecords and vMaxRecords > 0 then
          return iRows
        end if
        --turn off escape and quote
        iEscapeMode = 0
        iQuoteMode = 0              
      end if
    else if c = numToChar(13) then
      if iQuoteMode then
        --add the carrier return if in quote mode only
        put c after iCurrent
      end if
      put c after iCurrent
    end if
  end repeat
  return iRows

on MMI_readTextFile vFilePath
  if string(vFilePath) = "" then
    --get a new file
    return ""
  end if
  --verify it exists
  if not baFileExists(vFilePath) then
    MMI_ReportError(0, "File Does Not Exist")
    return ""
  end if
  fx = new(xtra "fileIO")
  if objectp(fx) then
    --open in read mode
    fx.openFile(vFilePath, 1)
    iText = fx.readFile()
    fx = void
    return iText
  end if
  return ""



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