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Behavior Move and/or Zoom with ease settings

Added on 5/20/2004



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Author: manno (website)

This behavior lets you decide where a sprite should move to when clicked. Zooming is done while moving or after arrival. User definable values: Target location. Target width. Target height. Number of steps of animation (framebased). Movement type (linear, ease-in, -out). Ease level. Zoom or not Wait for zoom until arrival. Manno

-- MoveAndZoom
-- move (and optionally zoom) sprite after it has been clicked
-- movement is done from sprite's initial location to target location given in parameters dialogue
-- zoom is done to the width and height given in the parameters dialogue
-- movement and zooming can be done with either equidistance steps of ease-in or ease-out steps
-- movement is done over user defineable number of steps
-- easeing and number of steps settings are equal to both move and zoom
-- Manno Bult 2004-05-19
-- (be kind, report bugs, remarks and usage)

property pSprite

-- movement props
property pintTargetX, pintTargetY
property plstXStep, plstYStep
-- zoom props
property pblnZoom, pblnHoldZoom
property plstWStep, plstHStep
property pintTargetWidth, pintTargetHeight
-- animation props
property pblnAnimate
property pfltEase
property psmbTweenType
property pintStepCount

-- event handlers

on beginSprite me
  pSprite = sprite(me.spriteNum)
  plstXStep = me.createMoveStepList(pSprite.loc[1], pintTargetX, pintStepCount, psmbTweenType, pfltEase)
  plstYStep = me.createMoveStepList(pSprite.loc[2], pintTargetY, pintStepCount, psmbTweenType, pfltEase)
  -- if sprite needs to zoom too, calculate steps
  if (pblnZoom) then
    plstWstep = me.createZoomStepList(pSprite.width, pintTargetWidth, pintStepCount, psmbTweenType, pfltEase)
    plstHstep = me.createZoomStepList(pSprite.height, pintTargetHeight, pintStepCount, psmbTweenType, pfltEase)
  end if
  pblnAnimate = false

on mouseUp me
  -- make sure to only animate when this sprite is clicked
  if (the ClickOn <> me.spriteNum) then exit
  pblnAnimate = true

on prepareFrame me
  if NOT(pblnAnimate) then exit
  -- if either of the position lists is empty, stop animating
  if (plstXStep.count > 0) OR (plstYStep.count > 0) then
    if NOT(pblnHoldZoom) then
    end if
  else if (pblnHoldZoom) then
    if (plstWstep.count > 0) OR (plstHstep.count > 0) then
      pblnAnimate = false
    end if
    pblnAnimate = false
  end if

-- helpers

on animateMove me
  -- pop new x and y values of the lists
  newX = plstXStep[1]
  newY = plstYStep[1]
  -- set sprite's loc to those coords
  pSprite.loc = point(newX, newY)

on animateZoom me
  -- pop new width and height changes from lists
  deltaW = plstWstep[1]
  deltaH = plstHstep[1]
  -- inflate rect with those coords
  pSprite.rect = pSprite.rect.inflate(deltaW, deltaH)

-- create a list of zoom steps. devided by 2 for use with rect.inflate
on createZoomStepList me, dept, dest, steps, moveType, ease
  if (moveType = #equidistance) then
    l = me.calculateEquidistanceSteps(dept, dest, steps)
  else if (moveType = #easeout) then
    l = me.calculateEaseSteps(dept, dest, steps, ease)
  else if (moveType = #easein) then
    r = me.calculateEaseSteps(dept, dest, steps, ease)
    -- reverse array
    l = []
    c = r.count
    repeat with i = 1 to c
      l.addAt(1, r[i])
    end repeat
  end if
  l = l / 2
  l = normalizeList(l)
  return l

-- create lists of coordinates dependent on what type of movement is required
on createMoveStepList me, dept, dest, steps, moveType, ease
  l = []
  if (moveType = #equidistance) then
    -- get equidistance step distances
    l = me.calculateEquidistanceSteps(dept, dest, steps)
  else if (moveType = #easeout) then
    -- get ease step distances
    l = me.calculateEaseSteps(dept, dest, steps, ease)
  else if (moveType = #easein) then
    -- get ease step distances
    r = me.calculateEaseSteps(dept, dest, steps, ease)
    -- reverse array
    l = []
    c = r.count
    repeat with i = 1 to c
      l.addAt(1, r[i])
    end repeat
  end if
  -- add step distances to positions
  positions = [dept]
  c = l.count + 1
  repeat with i = 2 to c
    positions[i] = positions[i-1] + l[i-1]
  end repeat
  -- pop reference value
  -- make sure last position is exactly right (damned percentages!)
  if(positions[steps] <> dest) then
    positions[steps] = dest
  end if
  return positions

-- create a list of equidistance integers
on calculateEquidistanceSteps me, dept, dest, steps
  l = []
  -- calculate distance to move
  dist = dest - dept
  -- calculate distance per step
  thisDist = dist / float(steps)
  repeat with i = 1 to steps
    -- add to list
  end repeat
  return l

-- create a list of ease floats
on calculateEaseSteps me, dept, dest, steps, ease
  l = []
  -- calculate distance to move
  dist = dest - dept
  repeat while steps > 0
    -- calculate distance of one step from remaining distance
    thisDist = dist / float(steps)
    -- substract this step from remaining distance
    dist = dist - thisDist
    -- get ease percent of this step's distance
    rest = part(ease, thisDist)
    -- add ease percent of distance to distance of this step
    thisDist = thisDist + rest
    -- substract ease percent of distance from distance to go
    dist = dist - rest
    -- decrement step
    steps = steps - 1
    -- add to list
  end repeat
  return l

-- make each list's entry an integer preserving the sum of the list
on normalizeList l
  c = l.count
  repeat with i = 1 to c
    if(floatP(l[i])) then
      flt = l[i]
      int = integer(l[i])
      remainder = flt - int
      l[i] = int
      if (i < c) then
        l[i+1] = l[i+1] + remainder
      end if
    end if
  end repeat
  return l

--  calculate which percentage part is of whole
on perc part, whole
  return (part / float(whole)) * 100

-- calculate how much perc is of whole
on part perc, whole
  return (perc / 100.0) * whole

-- behavior definition

on getPropertyDescriptionList me
  moveRange = [#equidistance, #easein, #easeout]
  -- calculate half the diagonal of stage
  w = (the Stage).rect.width / 2
  h = (the Stage).rect.height / 2
  rad = sqrt(power(w, 2) + power(h, 2)) * 2
  pL = [:]
  pL.addProp(#pintTargetX, [#format: #integer, #default: 0, #comment: "x-coordinate of the target location"])
  pL.addProp(#pintTargetY, [#format: #integer, #default: 0, #comment: "y-coordinate of the target location"])
  pL.addProp(#pintStepCount, [#format: #integer, #default: 0, #comment: "In how many steps should sprite move there?"])
  pL.addProp(#psmbTweenType, [#format: #symbol, #default: moveRange[1], #range: moveRange, #comment: "Pick a type of movement"])
  pL.addProp(#pfltEase, [#format: #float, #default: 0, #range: [#min:0, #max:100], #comment: "If movement is an ease movement, pick ease percentage:"])
  pL.addProp(#pblnZoom, [#format: #boolean, #default: false, #comment: "Should sprite zoom?"])
  pL.addProp(#pblnHoldZoom, [#format: #boolean, #default: false, #comment: "Should zoom wait untill move is done?"])
  pL.addProp(#pintTargetWidth, [#format: #integer, #default: 0, #range: [#min: 0, #max: rad], #comment: "Sprite's width at end of zoom"])
  pL.addProp(#pintTargetHeight, [#format: #integer, #default: 0, #range: [#min: 0, #max: rad], #comment: "Sprite's height at end of zoom"])
  return pL

on getBehaviorDescription me
  out = ""
  put "MoveAndZoom" & RETURN after out
  put "-- move (and optionally zoom) sprite after it has been clicked" & RETURN after out
  put "--" & RETURN after out
  put "-- movement is done from sprite's initial location to target location given in parameters dialogue" & RETURN after out
  put "-- zoom is done to the width and height given in the parameters dialogue" & RETURN after out
  put "-- movement and zooming can be done with either equidistance steps of ease-in or ease-out steps" & RETURN after out
  put "-- movement is done over user defineable number of steps" & RETURN after out
  put "-- easeing and number of steps settings are equal to both move and zoom" & RETURN after out
  put "-- " & RETURN after out
  put "--" & RETURN after out
  put "-- Manno Bult 2004-05-19" & RETURN after out
  put "--" & RETURN after out
  put "-- (be kind, report bugs, remarks and usage)" & RETURN after out
  return out



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