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Behavior CSS Class

Added on 3/25/2004


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Author: fluxus

Parent script for parsing css-code (as string or as external file) and applying this style to a tagged text (html or custom tags) which will result in a text member formatted accordingly

Download PC Source
-- Software: CSS CLASS
-- Version:  0.2 (pre-alpha)
-- Date:     2004/03/16
-- Author:   Valentin Schmidt (script uses some code from John Dowdell's html-parser
--           and Thomas Björk's php css-parser class)
-- homepage:
-- Contact:
-- License:  Freeware
-- Requirements/Dependencies:
-- - fileIO Xtra for opening external css-files
-- - PRegEx Xtra (or DMX2004) for removing comments (and speeding up other search&replace actions)
-- You may use and modify this software as you wish.
property pCss

property pSrcStr
property pTextMem
property pCurrentChunk
property pDefaultStyle -- applied to all text if not overwritten by css
property pStyleStack   -- used for nested tags
property pTagStack     -- used for nested tags
property pIsXHTML      -- tagged text is (x)html

property pRegExFlag    -- RegExp available
property pPRegExFlag   -- PRegEx Xtra available
property pJsRegExFlag  -- RegExp available via JavaScript (DMX2004 or newer)

property pLink


on new me
  pDefaultStyle=["font-family":"Arial","font-size":12,"color":"#000000","text-align":"left","white-space":"pre"] --"line-height":14
  -- check for utilities-script
  if member("UTILITIES").type<>#script then
    alert("CSSParser needs movie-script 'UTILITIES'!")
  end if
  -- check for RegExp (PRegEx Xtra or DMX2004)
  if (NOT pPRegExFlag) AND float((the environment).productVersion)>=10 then
    if member("~regexp").memberNum<1 then
      s.scripttext="function _js_RegExReplace(s,pat,rep){return s.replace(RegExp(pat,'g'),rep);}"
    end if
  end if
  pRegExFlag=(pPRegExFlag OR pJsRegExFlag)
  if NOT pRegExFlag then put "Warning: No search&replace with regular expressions available!" -- Script won't remove comments!"
  return me

-- replaces DefaultStyle with given cssStyle
-- cssStyle: proplist, e.g. ["font-family":"Arial","font-size":12,"color":"#000000"]
on setDefaultStyle (me, cssStyle)

-- adds cssStyle to DefaultStyle (and replaces all identical props)
-- cssStyle: proplist, e.g. ["font-family":"Arial","font-size":12,"color":"#000000"]
on addDefaultStyle (me, cssStyle)
  cnt = cssStyle.count
  repeat with i = 1 to cnt
  end repeat

-- parses css file
on parseCSSFile (me, cssFile)  

-- parses css string
on parseCSS (me, cssStr)
  -- Remove comments (needs PRegEx Xtra or DMX2004)
  if pRegExFlag then
    cssStr=me._regReplace(cssStr, "/*.+?*/(
  end if
  parts = explode("}",cssStr)
  repeat with part in parts
    keyStr  = trim(l[1])
    codeStr = trim(l[2])
    keys=explode(",", keyStr)
    repeat with aKey in keys
      if aKey.length>0 then
        if pRegExFlag then
          aKey = me._regReplace(aKey, "(
)", "")
          aKey = str_replace(numtochar(10), "", aKey)
          aKey = str_replace(numtochar(13), "", aKey)
        end if
      end if
    end repeat
  end repeat

-- returns css text for given key (or empty string, if key doesn't exist)
on getKey (me, aKey)
  aKey = strtolower(aKey)
  if l.count>1 then subtag=l[2]
  else subtag=""
  if l.count>1 then class=l[2]
  else class=""
  if l.count>1 then id=l[2]
  else id=""
  res = [:]
  repeat with i=1 to cnt
    if l.count>1 then _subtag=l[2]
    else _subtag=""
    if l.count>1 then _class=l[2]
    else _class=""
    if l.count>1 then _id=l[2]
    else _id=""
    tagmatch = (tag=_tag) OR (_tag.length=0)
    subtagmatch = (subtag=_subtag) OR (_subtag.length=0)
    classmatch = (class=_class) OR (_class.length=0)
    idmatch = (id=_id)
    if (tagmatch AND subtagmatch AND classmatch AND idmatch) then
      if aKey starts "#" then
        temp = _tag
        if ((temp.length > 0) AND (_class.length > 0)) then
          temp = temp & "." & _class
        else if (temp.length=0) then
          temp = "." & _class
        end if
        if ((temp.length > 0) AND (_subtag.length > 0)) then
          temp = temp & ":" & _subtag
        else if (temp.length=0) then
          temp = ":" & _subtag
        end if
      end if
      repeat with j=1 to cnt2
        res[pCss[temp].getPropAt(j)] = pCss[temp][j]
      end repeat
    end if
  end repeat
  return res

-- returns css text for given key and prop (or empty string, if key or prop doesn't exist)
on getKeyProp (me, aKey, aProp)
  return string(l[aProp])

-- apply css to text member based on tagged text
-- optional flag isXHTML sets some defaults for html-tags, turns off pre-formatted wordwrapping and
-- turns on adding of new lines after "div","/div","p","/p","h1","/h1","h2","/h2","h3","/h3"
on applyCSS (me, txtMem, taggedText, isXHTML)
  if pRegExFlag then
    -- remove html-comments, xml- and doctype-declarations (needs PRegEx Xtra or DMX2004)
    -- warning: simple and dirty solution: all and removed
    taggedText=me._regReplace(taggedText, "<[!?].+?>(
)*", "")
  end if  
  if pIsXHTML then
    -- TEST: remove HTML/HEAD/BODY
    if pRegExFlag then taggedText=me._regReplace(taggedText, "((.*?)|())(
)*", "")
    pDefaultStyle["white-space"]="normal" -- html wordwrapping
    -- add css for some html tags; you're welcome to add more (like strong, big, small, h1, ...)
    me._addKey("b", "font-weight: bold;")
    me._addKey("i", "font-style: italic;")
    me._addKey("u", "text-decoration: underline;")
    me._addKey("pre",  "white-space: pre; font-family: Courier;")
    me._addKey("a", "text-decoration: underline; color: #0000ff;")
    me._addKey("a:visited", "color: #ff00ff;")
  end if
  --put taggedText
  pSrcStr = taggedText
  pTextMem = txtMem
  pTagStack = []
  pCurrentChunk = ""
  -- apply defaults
  repeat while length(pSrcStr)
    if pSrcStr starts "<" then me._handleTag()
    else me._appendText()
  end repeat


-- adds key-codeString pair to pCss
on _addKey (me, aKey, codeStr)
  aKey = strtolower(aKey)
  codeStr = strtolower(codeStr)
  if (voidP(pCss[aKey])) then
    pCss[aKey] = [:]
  end if
  codes = explode(";",codeStr)
  repeat with code in codes
    code = trim(code)
    if l.count>1 then codevalue=l[2]
    else codevalue=""
    if (codekey.length > 0) then
      pCss[aKey][trim(codekey)] = trim(codevalue)
    end if
  end repeat

-- deletes rest of tag
on _deleteRestOfTag me
  the itemDelimiter = ">"
  delete item 1 of pSrcStr

-- handles text between tags
on _appendText me
  the itemDelimiter = "<"
  pCurrentChunk = pSrcStr.item[1]
  -- check for wordwrap behaviour:
  -- "white-space"="pre" (or not declared): keep word-wraps
  -- "white-space"="normal": remove word-wraps
  repeat with aStyle in pStyleStack
    repeat with i = 1 to cnt
      if not voidP(white) then whiteSpace=white
    end repeat
  end repeat
  if whiteSpace="normal" then
    if pRegExFlag then
      pCurrentChunk = me._regReplace (pCurrentChunk, "(
)", "")
      pCurrentChunk = str_replace(numtochar(10), "", pCurrentChunk)
      pCurrentChunk = str_replace(numtochar(13), "", pCurrentChunk)
    end if
  end if
  delete item 1 of pSrcStr
  put the itemDelimiter before pSrcStr
  if pCurrentChunk<>"" AND pTagStack=[] then -- not inside any tag, format with default style
    put pCurrentChunk after pTextMem
  end if

-- handles start and end tags
on _handleTag me
  the itemDelimiter = ">"
  fullTag = ltrim(pSrcStr.item[1])
  delete char 1 of fullTag
  theTag = fullTag.word[1]
  if (theTag starts "/") then -- END TAG
    if pCurrentChunk<>"" then
      put pCurrentChunk after pTextMem
      if theTag="/a" AND pIsXHTML then -- add hyperlink
      end if
      -- go through stack
      repeat with aStyle in pStyleStack
        repeat with i = 1 to cnt
        end repeat
      end repeat
    end if
  else if the last char of theTag="/" then -- SINGLE TAG
    if pIsXHTML AND (theTag="br/") then put RETURN after pTextMem
  else -- START TAG
    -- find class and id
    if cnt>1 then
      repeat with i=2 to cnt
        if (w starts "class=") then
          if pRegExFlag then theClass=me._regReplace(trim(w.char[7..w.char.count]), QUOTE, "")
          else theClass=str_replace(QUOTE,"",trim(w.char[7..w.char.count]))
        else if (w starts "id=") then
          if pRegExFlag then theId=me._regReplace(trim(w.char[4..w.char.count]), QUOTE, "")
          else theId=str_replace(QUOTE,"",trim(w.char[4..w.char.count]))
        else if (w starts "href=" AND pIsXHTML) then
          put "LINK"
          if pRegExFlag then pLink=me._regReplace(trim(w.char[6..w.char.count]), QUOTE, "")
          else pLink=str_replace(QUOTE,"",trim(w.char[6..w.char.count]))
        end if
      end repeat
    end if
    if pTagStack<>[] then
      if pCurrentChunk<>"" then
        put pCurrentChunk after pTextMem
        -- go through stack
        repeat with aStyle in pStyleStack
          repeat with i = 1 to cnt
          end repeat
        end repeat
      end if
    end if
    if not voidP(theClass) then
    end if
    if not voidP(theId) then
      repeat with i = 1 to cnt
      end repeat
    end if
    -- put tag and corresponding style on stack
  end if
  if pIsXHTML then
    if ["div","/div","p","/p","h1","/h1","h2","/h2","h3","/h3"].getPos(theTag) then
      put RETURN after pTextMem
    end if
  end if

-- converts css-style-proplist to director-text-style-props and applies it to text-member-reference
on _applyStyle (me, txtRef, cssStyle)
  repeat with i = 1 to cnt
    case (k) of
      "font-weight": -- bold, normal
        if v="bold" then fntStyle.add(#bold)
      "font-style": -- italic , normal
        if v="italic" then fntStyle.add(#italic)
      "text-decoration": -- underline, none
        if v="underline" then fntStyle.add(#underline)
      "vertical-align": -- super, sub, baseline
        if v="super" then fntStyle.add(#superscript)
        else if v="sub" then fntStyle.add(#subscript)
        if v="justify" then v="Full"
    end case
  end repeat
  if fntStyle=[] then fntStyle=[#plain]
  repeat with i = 1 to cnt
  end repeat
  -- if no line-height in default and current style, use "natural" line-height (font-size*1.3)
  if voidP(pDefaultStyle.findPos("line-height")) AND voidP(dirStyle.findPos(#fixedLineSpace)) then
  end if

-- Search & Replace with RegExp (global)
on _regReplace (me, str, pat, rep)
  if pPRegExFlag then
    PRegEx_Replace(l,pat,"g", rep)
    return  l[1]
    return _js_RegExReplace(str,pat,rep)
  end if



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