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Behavior PDF Class

Added on 3/25/2004


D6_5 D7 D8 D8_5 D9 Mac Parent PC

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Author: fluxus

Parent Script for creating PDF files with Director

Download PC Source
-- Software: PDF CLASS
-- Version:  1.03, based on FPDF 1.51 by Olivier Plathey (respect!)
-- Date:     2004/01/30
-- Author:   Valentin Schmidt (original PHP Script by Olivier Plathey, inspiration by Daniel Nelson)
-- Contact:
-- License:  Freeware
-- Requirements/Dependencies: needs fileIO Xtra
-- You may use and modify this software as you wish.
property pPDF_FONTPATH

property pPage               --current page number
property pN                  --current object number
property pOffsets            --array of object offsets
property pBuffer             --buffer holding in-memory PDF
property pPages              --array containing pages
property pState              --current document state
property pCompress           --compression flag
property pDefOrientation     --default orientation
property pCurOrientation     --current orientation
property pOrientationChanges --array indicating orientation changes
property pFwPt,pFhPt         --dimensions of page format in points
property pFw,pFh             --dimensions of page format in user unit
property pWPt,pHPt           --current dimensions of page in points
property pK                  --scale factor (number of points in user unit)
property pW,pH               --current dimensions of page in user unit
property pLMargin            --left margin
property pTMargin            --top margin
property pRMargin            --right margin
property pBMargin            --page break margin
property pCMargin            --cell margin
property pX,pY               --current position in user unit for cell positionning
property pLasth              --height of last cell printed
property pLineWidth          --line width in user unit
property pCoreFonts          --array of standard font names
property pFonts              --array of used fonts
property pFontFiles          --array of font files
property pDiffs              --array of encoding differences
property pImages             --array of used images
property pPageLinks          --array of links in pages
property pLinks              --array of internal links
property pFontFamily         --current font family
property pFontStyle          --current font style
property pUnderline          --underlining flag
property pCurrentFont        --current font info
property pFontSizePt         --current font size in points
property pFontSize           --current font size in user unit
property pDrawColor          --commands for drawing color
property pFillColor          --commands for filling color
property pTextColor          --commands for text color
property pColorFlag          --indicates whether fill and text colors are different
property pWs                 --word spacing
property pAutoPageBreak      --automatic page breaking
property pPageBreakTrigger   --threshold used to trigger page breaks
property pInFooter           --flag set when processing footer
property pZoomMode           --zoom display mode
property pLayoutMode         --layout display mode
property pTitle              --title
property pSubject            --subject
property pAuthor             --author
property pKeywords           --keywords
property pCreator            --creator
property pAliasNbPages       --alias for total number of pages

property pLF,pCR
property pMacAnsiVec
property pIsMac

property pCharWidths

--                                                                           *
--                              Public methods                               *
--                                                                           *

on new me,orientation,unit,format
  if (voidP(orientation)) then orientation="P"
  if (voidP(unit)) then unit="mm"
  if (voidP(format)) then format="A4"
  pPDF_FONTPATH = the moviepath
  --Initialization of properties
  pDrawColor="0 G"
  pFillColor="0 g"
  pTextColor="0 g"
  pIsMac=(the platform contains "mac")
  --Standard fonts
  --Scale factor
  if (unit="pt") then
  else if (unit="mm") then
  else if (unit="cm") then
  else if(unit="in") then
    me._Error("Incorrect unit: "&unit)
  end if
  --Page format
  if (stringP(format)) then    
    if (format="a3") then
    else if (format="a4") then
    else if (format="a5") then
    else if (format="letter") then
    else if (format="legal") then
      me._Error("Unknown page format: "&format)
    end if
  end if
  --Page orientation
  if (orientation="p" or orientation="portrait") then
  else if (orientation="l" or orientation="landscape") then
    me._Error("Incorrect orientation: "&orientation)
  end if
  --Page margins (1 cm)
  --Interior cell margin (1 mm)
  --Line width (0.2 mm)
  --Automatic page break
  --Full width display mode
  pCompress=0 --me.handler(#gzcompress)
  return me

-- Set the path to font folder for non-standard fonts
on SetFontpath me, fp
  pd=the last char of the moviepath
  if the last char of fp<>pd then fp=fp& pd

-- Set left, top and right margins
on SetMargins me, l,t,r
  if voidP(r) then r=-1
  if (r=-1) then r=l

-- Set left margin
on SetLeftMargin me, marg
  if (pPage>0 and pXend

-- Set top margin
on SetTopMargin me, marg

-- Set right margin
on SetRightMargin me, marg

-- Set inner cell margin
on SetCellMargin me, marg
  pCMargin = marg

-- Set auto page break mode and triggering margin
on SetAutoPageBreak me, auto,marg
  if voidP(marg) then marg=0

-- Set display mode in viewer
on SetDisplayMode me, zoom,layout
  if voidP(layout) then layout="continuous"
  if (zoom="fullpage" or zoom="fullwidth" or zoom="real" or zoom="default" or NOT stringP(zoom)) then
  else if (zoom="zoom") then
    me._Error("Incorrect zoom display mode: "&zoom)
  end if
  if (layout="single" or layout="continuous" or layout="two" or layout="default") then
  else if (zoom<>"zoom") then
    me._Error("Incorrect layout display mode: "&layout)
  end if

-- Set page compression
on SetCompression me, compressionFlag
  if (me.handlerP(#gzcompress)) then
  end if

-- Set Title of document
on SetTitle me, aTitle
  pTitle = aTitle

-- Set Subject of document
on SetSubject me, aSubject
  pSubject = aSubject

-- Set Author of document
on SetAuthor me, aAuthor
  pAuthor = aAuthor

-- Set Keywords of document
on SetKeywords me, aKeywords
  pKeywords = aKeywords

-- Set Creator of document
on SetCreator me, aCreator
  pCreator = aCreator

-- Define an alias for total number of pages
on AliasNbPages me, aAlias
  if voidP(aAlias) then aAlias = "{nb}"
  pAliasNbPages = aAlias

-- Fatal error
on _Error me, msg
  alert("PDF CLASS error: " & msg)

-- Begin document
on Open me

-- Terminate document
on Close me
  if (pPage=0) then me.AddPage()
  --Page footer
  pInFooter = true
  if me.handlerP(#Footer) then me.Footer()
  pInFooter = false
  --Close page
  --Close document

-- Start a new page
on AddPage me, orientation
  if voidP(orientation) then orientation=""
  if (pUnderline) then style=style& "U"
  if (pPage>0) then
    --Page footer
    if me.handlerP(#Footer) then me.Footer()
    --Close page
  end if
  --Start new page
  --Set line cap style to square
  me._out("2 J")
  --Set line width
  the floatprecision=2
  me._out(float(lw*pK)&" w")
  --Set font
  if (family<>"") then SetFont(me,family,style,size)
  --Set colors
  if (dc<>"0 G") then me._out(dc)
  if (fc<>"0 g") then me._out(fc)
  --Page header
  if me.handlerP(#Header) then me.Header()
  --Restore line width
  if (pLineWidth<>lw) then
    the floatprecision=2
    me._out(float(lw*pK)&" w")
  end if
  --Restore font
  if (family<>"") then SetFont(me,family,style,size)
  --Restore colors
  if (pDrawColor<>dc) then
  end if
  if (pFillColor<>fc) then
  end if

-- Get current page number
on PageNo me
  return pPage

-- Set color for all stroking operations
on SetDrawColor me, r,g,b
  if voidP(g) then g=-1
  if voidP(b) then b=-1
  the floatprecision=3
  if ((r=0 and g=0 and b=0) or g=-1) then
    pDrawColor=r/255.0 & " G"
    pDrawColor=r/255.0 && g/255.0 && b/255.0 && "RG"
  end if
  if (pPage>0) then me._out(pDrawColor)

-- Set color for all filling operations
on SetFillColor me, r,g,b
  if voidP(g) then g=-1
  if voidP(b) then b=-1
  the floatprecision=3
  if ((r=0 and g=0 and b=0) or g=-1) then
    pFillColor=r/255.0 & " g"
    pFillColor=r/255.0 && g/255.0 && b/255.0 && "rg"
  end if
  if(pPage>0) then me._out(pFillColor)

-- Set color for text
on SetTextColor me, r,g,b
  if voidP(g) then g=-1
  if voidP(b) then b=-1
  the floatprecision=3
  if ((r=0 and g=0 and b=0) or g=-1) then
    pTextColor=r/255.0 & " g"
    pTextColor=r/255.0 && g/255.0 && b/255.0 && "rg"
  end if

-- Get width of a string in the current font
on GetStringWidth me, s
  cw=pCurrentFont["cw"] -- ???
  repeat with i = 1 to l
  end repeat
  return w*pFontSize/1000.0

-- Set line width
on SetLineWidth me, aWidth
  pLineWidth = aWidth
  the floatprecision=2
  if (pPage>0) then me._out(float(aWidth*pK) & " w")

-- Draw a line
on DrawLine me, x1,y1,x2,y2
  the floatprecision=2
  me._out(float(x1*pK) && float((pH-y1)*pK) && "m" && float(x2*pK) && float((pH-y2)*pK) && "l S" )

-- Draw a rectangle
on DrawRect me, x,y,w,h,aStyle
  if voidP(aStyle) then g=-1
  if (aStyle="F") then
  else if (aStyle="FD" or aStyle="DF") then
  end if
  the floatprecision=2
  me._out(float(x*pK) && float((pH-y)*pK) && float(w*pK) && float(-h*pK) &&"re" && op)

-- Add a TrueType or Type1 font
on AddFont me, family,aStyle
  if (family="arial") then family="helvetica"
  if (aStyle="IB") then aStyle="BI"
  if (NOT voidP(pFonts[family & aStyle])) then me._Error("Font already added: " & family && aStyle)
  if (fontMem.memberNum<1) then me._Error("Could not find font definition")
  if (ilk(fnt)<>#propList) then me._Error("font definition is corrupted")
  pFonts[family & aStyle]=fnt --["i":i,"type":type,"name":name,"desc":desc,"up":up,"ut":ut,"cw":cw,"enc":enc,"file":file]
  if (diff<>"") then
    --Search existing encodings
    repeat with i = 1 to nb
      if (pDiffs[i]=diff) then
        exit repeat
      end if
    end repeat
    if (d=0) then
    end if
  end if
  if (fnt["type"]="TrueType") then
    pFontFiles[fnt["file"]]=["length1":fnt["originalsize"]] --fontMem
    pFontFiles[fnt["file"]]=["length1":fnt["size1"],"length2":fnt["size2"]] --fontMem
  end if

-- Select a font; size given in points
on SetFont me, family,style,size
  if voidP(size) then size=0
  if (family="") then family=pFontFamily
  if (family="arial") then
  else if(family="symbol" or family="zapfdingbats") then
  end if
  if (style contains "U") then
  end if
  if (style="IB") then style="BI"
  if (size=0) then size=pFontSizePt
  --Test if font is already selected
  if (pFontFamily=family and pFontStyle=style and pFontSizePt=size) then return
  --Test if used for the first time
  fontkey=family & style

  if (voidP(pFonts[fontkey])) then
    --Check if one of the standard fonts
    if (NOT voidP(pCoreFonts[fontkey])) then
      if (member(fontkey,"fonts").membernum<1) then me._Error("Can't find charwidths for font"&&fontkey) --family
      pCharWidths[fontkey] = value(member(fontkey,"fonts").text) --family
      me._Error("Undefined font: " & fontkey)
    end if
  end if
  --Select it
  the floatprecision=2
  if (pPage>0) then me._out("BT /F" & integer(pCurrentFont["i"]) && float(pFontSizePt) && "Tf ET")

-- Set font size in points
on SetFontSize me, size
  if (pFontSizePt=size) then return
  if (pPage>0) then me._out("BT /F"&integer(pCurrentFont["i"])&& float(pFontSizePt) && "Tf ET")

-- Create a new internal link
on AddLink me
  return n

-- Set destination of internal link
on SetLink me, link,y,page
  if voidP(y) then y=0
  if voidP(page) then page=-1
  if (y=-1) then y=pY
  if (page=-1) then page=pPage

-- Put a link on the page
on Link me, x,y,w,h,link

-- Output a string
on Text me, x,y,txt
  the floatprecision=2
  s="BT" && float(x*pK) && float((pH-y)*pK) && "Td ("&txt&") Tj ET"
  if (pUnderline and txt<>"") then s = s && me._dounderline(x,y,txt)
  if (pColorFlag) then s="q " & pTextColor && s && "Q"

-- Accept automatic page break or not
on AcceptPageBreak
  return pAutoPageBreak

-- Output a cell
on Cell me, w,h,txt,border,ln,align,fill,link
  if voidP(h) then h=0
  if voidP(border) then border=0
  if voidP(ln) then ln=0
  if voidP(fill) then fill=0
  if voidP(link) then link=""
  if pIsMac then txt=me.mac2ansi(txt)
  if (pY+h>pPageBreakTrigger and NOT pInFooter and AcceptPageBreak()) then
    if (ws>0) then
      me._out("0 Tw")
    end if
    if (ws>0) then
      the floatprecision=3
      me._out(float(ws*k) && "Tw")
    end if
  end if
  if (w=0) then w=pW-pRMargin-pX
  if (fill=1 or border=1) then
    if (fill=1) then
      if (border=1) then op="B"
      else op="f"
    else op="S"
    the floatprecision=2
    s=float(pX*k) && float((pH-pY)*k) && float(w*k) && float(-h*k) && "re" && op & " "
  end if
  if (stringP(border)) then
    the floatprecision=2
    if (border contains "L") then s=s& float(x*k) && float((pH-y)*k) && "m" && float(x*k) && float((pH-(y+h))*k) && "l S "
    if (border contains "T") then s=s& float(x*k) && float((pH-y)*k) && "m" && float((x+w)*k) && float((pH-y)*k) && "l S "
    if (border contains "R") then s=s& float((x+w)*k) && float((pH-y)*k) && "m" && float((x+w)*k) && float((pH-(y+h))*k) && "l S "
    if (border contains "B") then s=s& float(x*k) && float((pH-(y+h))*k) && "m" && float((x+w)*k) && float((pH-(y+h))*k) && "l S "
  end if
  if(txt<>"") then
    if (align="R") then dx=w-pCMargin-me.GetStringWidth(txt)
    else if(align="C") then dx=(w-me.GetStringWidth(txt))/2
    end if
    if (pColorFlag) then s=s& "q" && pTextColor &" "
    the floatprecision=2
    s=s& "BT" && float((pX+dx)*k) && float((pH-(pY+.5*h+.3*pFontSize))*k) && "Td ("&txt&") Tj ET"
    if (pUnderline) then s=s&& me._dounderline(pX+dx,pY+.5*h+.3*pFontSize,txt)
    if (pColorFlag) then s=s&& "Q"
    if (link<>"") then me.Link(pX+dx,pY+.5*h-.5*pFontSize,me.GetStringWidth(txt),pFontSize,link)
  end if
  if (s<>"") then me._out(s)
  if(ln>0) then
    --Go to next line
    if(ln=1) then
    end if
  else pX=pX+w

-- Output text with automatic or explicit line breaks
on MultiCell me, w,h,txt,border,align,fill
  if voidP(border) then border=0
  if voidP(align) then align="J"
  if voidP(fill) then fill=0
  cw=pCurrentFont["cw"] -- ???
  if (w=0) then w=pW-pRMargin-pX
  if (nb>0 and s.char[nb]=pLF) then nb=nb-1
  if (NOT voidP(border)) then
    if (border=1) then
      if (border contains "L") then b2=b2& "L"
      if (border contains "R") then b2=b2& "R"
      if (border contains "T") then b=b2 & "T"
      else b=b2
    end if
  end if
  i=1 --0
  repeat while (i    --Get next character
    if (c=pLF) then
      --Explicit line break
      if(pWs>0) then
        me._out("0 Tw")
      end if
      me.Cell(w,h, s.char[j+1..i-1],b,2,align,fill) --j+1..i
      j=i  -1
      if (border and nl=2) then b=b2
      next repeat
    end if
    if (c=" ") then
      sep=i -- -1--???
    end if
    l=l+cw[ord(c)+1] --???
    if (l>wmax) then
      --Automatic line break
      if (sep=-1) then
        if (i=j) then i=i+1
        if (pWs>0) then
          me._out("0 Tw")
        end if
        if (align="J") then
          if (ns>1) then pWs=(wmax-ls)/1000.0*pFontSize/(ns-1.0)
          else pWs=0
          the floatprecision=3
          me._out(float(pWs*pK) && "Tw")
        end if
        me.Cell(w,h,s.char[j+1..sep-1],b,2,align,fill) --j+1
      end if
      j=i   -1
      if (border and nl=2) then
      end if
    end if
  end repeat
  --Last chunk
  if (pWs>0) then
    me._out("0 Tw")
  end if
  if (border and (border contains "B")) then b=b& "B"
  me.Cell(w,h,s.char[j+1..j+i],b,2,align,fill) --j+1

-- Output text in flowing mode
on Write me, h,txt,link
  if voidP(link) then link=""
  repeat while (i    --Get next character
    if(c=pLF) then
      --Explicit line break
      if (nl=1) then
      end if
      next repeat
    end if
    if (c=" ") then
    end if
    if (l>wmax) then
      --Automatic line break
      if (sep=-1) then
        if (pX>pLMargin) then
          --Move to next line
          next repeat
        end if
        if (i=j) then i=i+1
      end if
      if (nl=1) then
      end if
    else i=i+1
  end repeat
  --Last chunk
  if (i<>j) then me.Cell(l/1000.0*pFontSize,h,s.char[j+1..j+i],0,0,"",0,link)

-- Put an PNG image on the page
on addPng me, file,x,y,w,h,link
  if voidP(h) then h=0
  if (voidP(pImages[file])) then
    --First use of image, get info
  end if
  --Automatic width or height calculation
  if (w=0) then w=h*info["w"]/info["h"]
  if (h=0) then h=w*info["h"]/info["w"]
  the floatprecision=2
  me._out("q" && float(w*pK) &&"0 0" && float(h*pK) && float(x*pK) && float((pH-(y+h))*pK) && "cm /I" & integer(info["i"]) && "Do Q")
  if (NOT voidP(link)) then me.Link(x,y,w,h,link)

-- Put an JPG image on the page
on addJpg me, file,depth,x,y,w,h,link
  if voidP(h) then h=0
  if (voidP(pImages[file])) then
    --First use of image, get info
    info=me._parsejpg(file, depth)
  end if
  --Automatic width or height calculation
  if (w=0) then w=h*info["w"]/info["h"]
  if (h=0) then h=w*info["h"]/info["w"]
  the floatprecision=2
  me._out("q" && float(w*pK) &&"0 0" && float(h*pK) && float(x*pK) && float((pH-(y+h))*pK) && "cm /I" & integer(info["i"]) && "Do Q") --sprintf("q %.2f 0 0 %.2f %.2f %.2f cm /I%d Do Q",w*pK,h*pK,x*pK,(pH-(y+h))*pK,info["i"]))
  if (NOT voidP(link)) then me.Link(x,y,w,h,link)

-- Put an image on the page
on addImg me, img,x,y,w,h,link
  if (NOT integerP(w) OR w=0) then w=wi/pK -- original size at 72 dpi
  if (NOT integerP(h) OR h=0) then h=w*hi/wi
  if (voidP(pImages[imgStr])) then
    --First use of image, get info
    if (depth=8 AND img.paletteRef=#grayscale) then
    end if
    --Get Image Data
    if (colspace="DeviceGray") then
      repeat with i=0 to hi-1
        repeat with j=0 to wi-1
          data=data& chr(255-img.getpixel(j,i,#integer))
        end repeat
      end repeat
      repeat with i=0 to hi-1
        repeat with j=0 to wi-1
          data=data& chr( & chr( & chr(
        end repeat
      end repeat
    end if
    info = ["w":wi,"h":hi,"cs":colspace,"bpc":bpc]
    if pCompress then
      --put "before" && count(data)
      info["f"] = "FlateDecode"
      data = me.gzcompress(data)
      --put "after" && count(data)
    end if
    info["data"] = data
  end if
  the floatprecision=2
  me._out("q" && float(w*pK) &&"0 0" && float(h*pK) && float(x*pK) && float((pH-(y+h))*pK) && "cm /I" & integer(info["i"]) && "Do Q")
  if (NOT voidP(link)) then me.Link(x,y,w,h,link)

-- Line feed; default value is last cell height
on Ln me, h
  if voidP(h) then h=""
  if (stringP(h)) then pY=pY+pLasth
  else pY=pY+h

-- Get x position
on GetX me
  return pX

-- Set x position
on SetX me, x
  if (x>=0) then pX=x
  else pX=pW+x

-- Get y position
on GetY me
  return pY

-- Set y position and reset x
on SetY me, y
  if (y>=0) then pY=y
  else pY=pH+y

-- Set x and y positions
on SetXY me, x,y

-- Output PDF to file (or msg window)
on Output me, file
  if (pState<3) then me.Close()
  if (voidP(file)) then
    return pBuffer
  end if

--                                                                           *
--                              Private methods                              *
--                                                                           *

-- Start document
on _begindoc me

on _putpages me
  if (NOT voidP(pAliasNbPages)) then
    --Replace number of pages
    repeat with n=1 to nb
    end repeat
  end if
  if (pDefOrientation="p") then
  end if
  if (pCompress) then filter = "/Filter /FlateDecode "
  else filter = ""
  repeat with n=1 to nb
    me._out("<    me._out("/Parent 1 0 R")
    the floatprecision=2
    if (count(pOrientationChanges)>=n) then
      if pOrientationChanges[n] then me._out("/MediaBox [0 0 "&float(hPt)&&float(wPt)&"]")
    end if
    me._out("/Resources 2 0 R")
    if (pPageLinks[n]<>[]) then
      annots="/Annots ["
      repeat with pl in pPageLinks[n]
        the floatprecision=2
        rect=float(pl[1]) && float(pl[2]) && float(pl[1]+pl[3]) && float(pl[2]-pl[4])
        annots=annots& "<        if (stringP(pl[5])) then annots=annots& "/A <>>>"
          if (count(pOrientationChanges)>=l[1]) then h=wPt
          else h=hPt
          the floatprecision=2
          annots=annots& "/Dest [" & integer(1+2*l[1]) && "0 R /XYZ 0" & float(h-l[2]*pK) && "null]>>"
        end if
      end repeat
      me._out(annots & "]")
    end if
    me._out("/Contents " & (pN+1) & " 0 R>>")
    --Page content
    if (pCompress) then p=me.gzcompress(p)
    me._out("<<" & filter & "/Length " & length(p) & ">>")
  end repeat
  --Pages root
  me._out("1 0 obj")
  me._out("<  kids="/Kids ["
  repeat with i = 0 to nb-1
    kids=kids& (3+2*i) & " 0 R "
  end repeat
  me._out("/Count " & nb)
  the floatprecision=2
  me._out("/MediaBox [0 0" && float(wPt) && float(hPt) &"]")

on _putfonts me
  repeat with diff in pDiffs
  end repeat
  repeat with i = 1 to count(pFontFiles)
    file = pPDF_FONTPATH&pFontFiles.getPropAt(i)
    info = pFontFiles[i]
    --Font file embedding
    if (NOT size) then me._Error("Font file not found: "&file)
    me._out("<    the itemdelimiter="."
    if (the last item of file="z") then me._out("/Filter /FlateDecode")
    me._out("/Length1 " & info["length1"])
    if (NOT voidP(info["length2"])) then me._out("/Length2 " & info["length2"] & " /Length3 0")
  end repeat
  repeat with i = 1 to count(pFonts)
    --Font objects
    me._out("<    me._out("/BaseFont /" & name)
    if (font["type"]="core") then
      --Standard font
      me._out("/Subtype /Type1")
      if(name<>"Symbol" and name<>"ZapfDingbats") then
        me._out("/Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding")
      end if
      --Additional font
      me._out("/Subtype /"& font["type"])
      me._out("/FirstChar 32")
      me._out("/LastChar 255")
      me._out("/Widths " & (pN+1) & " 0 R")
      me._out("/FontDescriptor " & (pN+2) & " 0 R")
      if (font["enc"]<>"") then
        if(font["diff"]<>"") then me._out("/Encoding " & (nf+font["diff"]) & " 0 R")
        else me._out("/Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding")
      end if
    end if
    if (font["type"]<>"core") then
      cw=font["cw"]-- ???
      repeat with j = 32 to 255
        s=s& cw[j+1] & " "
      end repeat
      me._out(s & "]")
      s="<      repeat with j = 1 to count(font["desc"])
        s=s& " /"&font["desc"].getPropAt(j)&" "&font["desc"][j]
      end repeat
      if (file<>"") then
        s=s& " /FontFile"
        if (font["type"]<>"Type1") then s=s& "2"
        s=s& " " & pFontFiles[file]["n"] & " 0 R"
      end if
      me._out(s & ">>")
    end if
  end repeat

on _putimages me
  if (pCompress) then filter = "/Filter /FlateDecode "
  else filter = ""
  repeat with i = 1 to count(pImages)
    me._out("<    me._out("/Subtype /Image")
    me._out("/Width "&info["w"])
    me._out("/Height "&info["h"])
    if (info["cs"]="Indexed") then
      me._out("/ColorSpace [/Indexed /DeviceRGB "&(length(info["pal"])/3-1)&&(pN+1)&&"0 R]")
      me._out("/ColorSpace /"&info["cs"])
      if(info["cs"]="DeviceCMYK") then me._out("/Decode [1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0]")
    end if
    me._out("/BitsPerComponent "&info["bpc"])
    if (NOT voidP(info["f"])) then me._out("/Filter /"&info["f"])
    if (NOT voidP(info["parms"])) then me._out(info["parms"])
    if (NOT voidP(info["trns"]) and listP(info["trns"])) then
      repeat with j = 1 to count(info["trns"])  -- -1
        trns=trns& info["trns"][j]&" "&info["trns"][j]&" "
      end repeat
      me._out("/Mask ["&trns&"]")
    end if
    me._out("/Length "&length(info["data"])&">>")
    if (info["cs"]="Indexed") then
      pal = info["pal"]
      if (pCompress) then pal = me.gzcompress(pal)
      me._out("<<"&filter&"/Length "&length(pal)&">>")
    end if
  end repeat

on _putresources me
  --Resource dictionary
  me._out("2 0 obj")
  me._out("<  me._out("/Font <<")
  repeat with aFont in pFonts
    me._out("/F"&aFont["i"]&" "&aFont["n"]&" 0 R")
  end repeat
  if (count(pImages)>0) then
    me._out("/XObject <<")
    repeat with aImage in pImages
      me._out("/I"&aImage["i"]&" "&aImage["n"]&" 0 R")
    end repeat
  end if

on _putinfo me
  me._out("/Producer " & textstring("PDF CLASS "&pPDF_CLASS_VERSION))
  if (string(pTitle)<>"") then me._out("/Title " & textstring(pTitle))
  if (string(pSubject)<>"") then me._out("/Subject " & textstring(pSubject))
  if (string(pAuthor)<>"") then me._out("/Author " & textstring(pAuthor))
  if (string(pKeywords)<>"") then me._out("/Keywords " & textstring(pKeywords))
  if (string(pCreator)<>"") then me._out("/Creator " & textstring(pCreator))
  -- 20031118002711
  d = the systemDate
  t = d.seconds
  hr = t/3600
  mins = (t/60) - (hr*60)
  sec = t mod 60
  dat = d.year & _lz(d.month) & _lz( & _lz(hr) & _lz(mins) & _lz(sec)
  me._out("/CreationDate " & textstring("D:"&dat))

on _lz n
  if n<10 then n="0"&n
  return n

on _putcatalog me
  me._out("/Type /Catalog")
  me._out("/Pages 1 0 R")
  if (pZoomMode="fullpage") then me._out("/OpenAction [3 0 R /Fit]")
  else if(pZoomMode="fullwidth") then me._out("/OpenAction [3 0 R /FitH null]")
  else if(pZoomMode="real") then me._out("/OpenAction [3 0 R /XYZ null null 1]")
  else if(NOT stringP(pZoomMode)) then me._out("/OpenAction [3 0 R /XYZ null null "&(pZoomMode/100)&"]")
  if (pLayoutMode="single") then me._out("/PageLayout /SinglePage")
  else if(pLayoutMode="continuous") then me._out("/PageLayout /OneColumn")
  else if(pLayoutMode="two") then me._out("/PageLayout /TwoColumnLeft")

on _puttrailer me
  me._out("/Size "&(pN+1))
  me._out("/Root "&pN&" 0 R")
  me._out("/Info "&(pN-1)&" 0 R")

on _enddoc me
  me._out("0 "&(pN+1))
  me._out("0000000000 65535 f ")
  repeat with i = 1 to pN
    me._out(s && "00000 n ")
  end repeat

on _beginpage me, orientation
  --Page orientation
  if (string(orientation)="") then
    if (orientation<>pDefOrientation) then pOrientationChanges[pPage]=true
  end if
  if (orientation<>pCurOrientation) then
    --Change orientation
    if (orientation="P") then
    end if
  end if

-- End of page contents
on _endpage me

-- Begin a new object
on _newobj me
  me._out(pN&" 0 obj")

-- Underline text
on _dounderline me, x,y,txt
  w=me.GetStringWidth(txt)+pWs*substr_count(txt," ")
  the floatprecision=2
  return float(x*pK) && float((pH-(y-up/1000.0*pFontSize))*pK) && float(w*pK) && float(-ut/1000.0*pFontSizePt) && "re f"

-- Extract info from a JPEG file
on _parsejpg me, file, depth
  --put m.depth
  if (depth=8) then colspace="DeviceGray"
  else if (depth=24) then colspace="DeviceRGB"
  else if (depth=32) then colspace="DeviceCMYK"
  else me._error("unknown depth")
  return ["w":w,"h":h,"cs":colspace,"bpc":bpc,"f":"DCTDecode","data":data]

-- Extract info from a PNG file
on _parsepng me, file
  --Check signature
  if (f.char[1..8]<>chr(137)&"PNG"&chr(13)&chr(10)&chr(26)&chr(10)) then me._Error("Not a PNG file: "&file)
  --Read header chunk
  if (f.char[13..16]<>"IHDR") then me._Error("Incorrect PNG file: "&file)
  if (bpc>8) then me._Error("16-bit depth not supported: "&file)
  if (ct=0) then
  else if(ct=2) then
  else if(ct=3) then
  else me._Error("Alpha channel not supported: "&file)
  if (ord(f.char[27])<>0) then me._Error("Unknown compression method: "&file)
  if (ord(f.char[28])<>0) then me._Error("Unknown filter method: "&file)
  if (ord(f.char[29])<>0) then me._Error("Interlacing not supported: "&file)
  if (ct=2) then cols=3
  else cols=1
  parms="/DecodeParms <>"
  --Scan chunks looking for palette, transparency and image data
  repeat while true
    if (type="PLTE") then
      --Read palette
    else if (type="tRNS") then
      --Read transparency info
      if (ct=0) then
      else if (ct=2) then
      end if
      if (integerP(pos)&pos>=0) then trns=[pos]
    else if (type="IDAT") then
      repeat with i = 0 to n-1
        data=data& f.char[num+i]
      end repeat
    else if (type="IEND") then
    end if
    if (n=0) then exit repeat
  end repeat
  if (colspace="Indexed" and pal="") then me._Error("Missing palette in "&file)
  return ["w":w,"h":h,"cs":colspace,"bpc":bpc,"f":"FlateDecode","parms":parms,"pal":pal,"trns":trns,"data":data]

on _putstream me, s

-- Add a line to the document
on _out me, s
  if (pState=2) then
    pPages[pPage]=pPages[pPage]& s&pLF
    pBuffer=pBuffer& s&pLF
  end if

-- Format a text string
on textstring s
  return "("&escape(s)&")"

-- Add  before , ( and )
on escape s
  return str_replace(")",")",str_replace("(","(",str_replace("","\",s)))

-- convert mac string to ansi string
on mac2ansi me, str
  repeat with i = 1 to l
    if n>127 then
    end if
  end repeat
  return out

-- returns true if specified handler exists in object or any of its ancestor
on handlerP me, aHandler
  if me.ilk = #Instance then
    a = me.getAProp(#ancestor)
    if a.ilk = #Instance then
      fnd = handlerP(a, aHandler)
      if fnd then
        return 1
        return me.handler(aHandler)
      end if
    end if
  end if
  return 0



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Newnan, GA 30263

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