DirectTransition3D Xtra is a collection of high quality, hardware accelerated, platform independent transitions for Macromedia Director, Authorware and Shockwave.
Price: $199
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DirectTransition3D Xtra, Set III, features the following customizable transitions:
Blinds: Simulates the before image opening in a blinds style to reveal the after image.
Blur: Simulates the before image fading into the after image while losing focus.
Confetti: Simulates the before image exploding into confetti pieces to reveal the after image.
Flying Carpet: Simulates the before image flying away as a flying carpet to reveal the after image.
Oscillate: Simulates the before image fading into the after image while oscillating.
Paint: Simulates the before image being painted over with the after image.
Paper Airplane: Simulates the before image flying away as a paper airplane to reveal the after image.
Radial Wipe 180: Simulates the after image being radially wiped over 180 degrees to obscure the before image.
Radial Wipe 360: Simulates the after image being radially wiped over 360 degrees to obscure the before image.
Radial Wipe 90: Simulates the after image being radially wiped over 90 degrees to obscure the before image.
Shutter: Simulates the before image spreading out from a center point to reveal the after image.
Sticky Bubbles: Simulates bubbles forming, expanding and sticking together to obscure the before image.
Waves: Simulates the before image fading into the after image while oscillating in 3D waves.
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263