A Scripting Xtra for Authorware and Director supporting eight major encryption ciphers and eight hash types. Includes functions to En/Decrypt strings, files, and a file wiping utility to wipe any decrypted files your application uses.
Price: $99
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Comes with a stand-alone encryption application that allows you to pre-En/Decrypt files and strings, generate hash digests, and generate keys for you. Generate a key in the proper length for your cipher, and the application will automatically generate a non-string version of the key to copy into Authorware or Director.
DataSafe Xtra is suitable for DoD, DoE, and companies that deal with highly sensitive data. Your text is NOT protected in an Authorware or Director application. Prying eyes, with little to no effort, can extract sensitive passwords and data from your applications.
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263