Create a tristate button with a caption on it and resize the button to view all the text.
Based on a tristate button posted on this site.
I simply add the caption functionality!
on getBehaviorDescription me
return "Crea bottone"&RETURN&RETURN&
"Crea un bottone tristate e ci aggiunge il testo."&RETURN&RETURN&
"Testo del bottone"&RETURN&
"* Membro per il bottone giu"&RETURN&
"* Membro per il bottobe evidenziato"&RETURN&RETURN&
"Testo del bottone" & RETURN &
"Carattere del testo" & RETURN &
"Dimensione del testo" & RETURN &
"Dimensione bordi laterali" & RETURN &
"Dimensione bordo inferiore e superiore" & RETURN &
"se non vengono specificati i membri si cercheranno i membri 'BottoneGiu' e 'BottoneOver'"
on getBehaviorTooltip me
return "Usare con le sprite grafiche."&RETURN&RETURN&"Crea un bottone tristate e aggiunge il testo."
end getBehaviorTooltip
on createCaption (caption)
--cerca il primo canale libero per inserirci la sprite
i = 1
repeat while i <= the lastchannel
if sprite(i).type = 0 then
exit repeat
i = i + 1
end if
end repeat
if i > the lastchannel then exit
NewSprite = sprite(i)
--crea il membro di testo
CaptionMember = new(#text, castLib the castLibNum of member myStandardMember)
CaptionMember.width = 1
CaptionMember.wordwrap = false
CaptionMember.alignment = #center
CaptionMember.text = caption & " "
CaptionMember.fontSize = myFontSize
CaptionMember.font = myFont
CaptionMember.boxType = #adjust
CaptionMember.width = gettotalwidth(captionmember)
CaptionMember.editable = false
--crea la sprite
puppetsprite i , true
NewSprite.member = CaptionMember
-- NewSprite.width = CaptionMember.width
-- NewSprite.height = CaptionMember.height
--posiziona la sprite
NewSprite.loc = point (mysprite.left + myborderhor, + myborderver)
--ridimensiona il bottone
mySprite.bottom = NewSprite.bottom + myborderver
mySprite.right = NewSprite.right + myborderhor
NewSprite.Visible = true
end createCaption
-- This handler calculates the total length of a field.
-- manca l'ultimo carattere
on getTotalWidth textField
set totalChars to length(the text of member textField)
set currentPoint to charPosToLoc(member textField, totalChars)
set currentWidth to the locH of currentPoint
on beginSprite me
--memorizza la sprite da usare per il bottone in stato normale
mySprite = sprite (me.spriteNum)
myStandardMember = mySprite.member
active = false
anotherButtonActive = false
--crea il testo sopra la sprite e ridimensiona la sprite (se è stato immesso del testo)
if myCaption <>"" then createCaption (myCaption)
on mouseEnter me
if the blend of sprite mysprite = 100 and not the cyclegraphics of me then
if the active of me then
mySprite.member = myDownMember
if not the anotherButtonActive of me then
mySprite.member = myRolloverMember
end if
end if
end if
end mouseEnter
on mouseLeave me
if the blend of sprite mysprite = 100 and not the cyclegraphics of me then
if not anotherButtonActive then
mySprite.member = myStandardMember
end if
end if
end mouseLeave
on mouseWithin me
if the blend of sprite mysprite = 100 and not the cyclegraphics of me then
if not the active of me and not anotherButtonActive then
mySprite.member = myRolloverMember
end if
end if
end mouseWithin
on mouseDown me
if the blend of sprite mysprite = 100 and not the cyclegraphics of me then
if not the active of me and not anotherButtonActive then
set mySprite.member = myDownMember
set the active of me = true
sendAllSprites(#pi_ButtonMouseDownInitiated, me.spritenum)
end if
end if
end mouseDown
on mouseUp me
if the blend of sprite mysprite = 100 and not the cyclegraphics of me then
if the active of me then
set mySprite.member = myStandardMember
set the active of me = false
end if
end if
end mouseDown
on mouseUpOutside me
if the blend of sprite mysprite = 100 and not the cyclegraphics of me then
if the active of me then
set mySprite.member = myStandardMember
set the active of me = false
end if
end if
end mouseUpOutside
-- user defined handlers
on pi_ButtonMouseDownInitiated me, initiatingSprite
-- another button on this frame has initiated a mouseDown event
-- set anotherButtonActive property to true
-- ignore mouse events until the current mouse activity is complete
if initiatingSprite <> me.spritenum then
set the anotherButtonActive of me = true
end if
on pi_ButtonMouseDownComplete me
-- another button on this frame has completed a mouseDown event
-- set anotherButtonActive property to false
-- begin accepting mouse events again
set the anotherButtonActive of me = false
on CycleGraphics_ToggleLoop me, trueOrFalse
-- this method is for using this rollover along with the CycleGraphics behavior
-- if this sprite is currently cycling graphics (such as a flashing button)
-- then the cyclegraphics property is set to true so that the rollover won't interfere
-- with the flashing of the sprite
if voidP (trueOrFalse) then
cyclegraphics = not cyclegraphics
else if ilk (trueOrFalse) <> #integer then
-- Error check
return #invalidTypeError
cyclegraphics = trueOrFalse
end if
on getPropertyDescriptionList
if the currentSpriteNum = 0 then exit
theMember = sprite(the currentSpriteNum).member
theMemberNumber = theMember.number
return [#myDownMember: [#comment: "Quale membro usare se il bottone è premuto?", #format: #graphic, #default: member ("BottoneGiu")] ,
#myRolloverMember:[#comment: "Quale membro usare se si passa sul bottone?", #format: #graphic, #default: member ("BottoneOver")],
#myCaption: [#comment: "Testo del bottone", #format: #string, #default: ""] ,
#myFont: [#comment: "Carattere del testo", #format: #string, #default: "Arial"] ,
#myFontSize: [#comment: "Dimensione del testo", #format: #integer, #default: 10],
#myBorderHor:[#comment: "Dimensione bordi laterali", #format: #integer, #default: 5],
#myBorderVer:[#comment: "Dimensione bordo inferiore e superiore", #format: #integer, #default: 5]]
end getPropertyDescriptionList
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263