INM is proud to unveal the first 100% carbon-compatible database Xtra for the Macromedia Director Shockwave Player. Available now at
INM is proud to unveal the first 100% carbon-compatible database Xtra for the Macromedia Director Shockwave Player. Available now at
What exactly should you do to fully benefit from the new Carbonized Xtra?
Nothing. It automatically works!
Any project created on Mac or Win using the latest V12-DBE Xtra (v.3.3) available on the INM website, and exported to Shockwave using the latest textinfo.txt information, automatically benefits from the new Carbonized V12-DBE Xtra. Any existing project which works with V12-DBE for PowerMac immediately benefits from V12-DBE on MacOS X.
No additional configuration, re-exporting or upgrade is required.
NOTE: If you are using other Xtras that do not support MacOS X, you will still be unable to run your project under MacOS X.
You can see V12-DBE Carbon in action by opening the following URL in MacOS X:
Click on the "Shockwave 8.5 Movie" link to launch NetCat.
You can download a free evaluation copy of V12-DBE (unrestricted), or purchase a license from the INM online store or by calling +1 800 400 1772.
More details available here:
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263