DirectXtras is pleased to announce a new version (2.0) of DirectImage Xtra
Added on 1/7/2002
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DirectImage is a cross-platform (Windows and MacOS), easy to use Scripting Xtra for Macromedia Director and Shockwave that provides applications with the ability to export, import, capture and manipulate images.
DirectImage is a cross-platform (Windows and MacOS), easy to use Scripting Xtra for Macromedia Director and Shockwave that provides applications with the ability to export, import, capture and manipulate images.
Using DirectImage Xtra, Director applications can perform the following tasks, directly from lingo:
- Export image cast members or the Director stage into various image file formats, including JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, PICT, PSD and many more.
- Import image files into image cast members. The Xtra can read from more than 20 different image file formats.
- Capture the screen image into an image cast member or file.
- Convert an image from one format to another.
- Change the color depth of an image to 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 bits with palette remapping and dithering support.
- Resize, scale, magnify and minify images.
- Flip, flop, roll, chop, crop and shave images.
- Rotate and shear images.
- Perform image processing effects: sharpen, oil paint, charcoal paint, implode, explode, motion blur, shade, spread, swirl, wave, raise, edge, emboss, solarize and more...
- Get and set the image pixels and background color.
- Flatten images with multiple layers.
- Set the image transparency.
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263