on getBehaviorDescription
description = "This is a simple trick to get a emboss effect on roll over on. Here I have changed the reg point of the first image and changed the line spaciing of the text member to get a emboss an effect. This behaviour does nothing but blend one layer and make another puppetted layer to TRUE. A very simple trick, explore in your own ways with different ink effects, But you have to remember always two things when you drop this behaviour on a sprite."& RETURN & RETURN & "1: First image to appear should always precede final image in your cast library."& RETURN & RETURN &"2: The channel above the sprite which contains this behaviour should always be empty."
return description
end getBehaviorDescription
on getPropertyDescriptionList
description = [:]
addprop description, #pSet, [#comment:"Set the speed to blend", #format:#integer, #range:[1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50], #default: 10]
return description
end getPropertyDescriptionList
on prepareFrame me
puppetsprite the currentspritenum - 1, TRUE
sprite(the currentspritenum - 1).membernum = sprite(me.spriteNum).membernum -1
sprite(the currentspritenum - 1).loc = sprite(me.spriteNum).loc
sprite(the currentspritenum - 1).ink = 36
case pState of
#in: Fadein()
#out: FadeOut()
end case
on beginSprite me
pSprite = sprite(me.spriteNum)
pState = #off
pVel = pSet
pSprite.blend = 0
on mouseEnter me
pState = #in
on mouseLeave me
puppetsprite 1, FALSE
pState = #out
on FadeIn me
if pSprite.blend = 100 then pState = #off
else pSprite.blend = pSprite.blend + pVel
on FadeOut me
if pSprite.blend = 0 then pState = #off
else pSprite.blend = pSprite.blend - pVel
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263